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c_prompt voted down "Health Safety Environment Job Board" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Cryptocurrency Exchange List" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Νόμιμες Εταιρίες Στοιχήματων Στην Ελλάδα" in removed
Julie voted down "Our newest rockin' feature: video conferencing!" in GettingStarted
Julie voted for "Our newest rockin' feature: video conferencing!" in GettingStarted
c_prompt voted down "10 Benefits of Traveling with Your Close Friends to Egypt" in removed
[deleted] voted for "Lying - The Death of Happiness" in philosophy
[deleted] voted for "The Death of Discussion" in philosophy
nyckreima voted for "valME.io has a new video service: video.valME.io" in videos
c_prompt voted down "iCloud Bypass | Official iCloud Unlocking Service" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Leonardo Bansko" in removed
c_prompt voted for "4 Truths About Marketing to Millennials" in removed
c_prompt voted down "4 Truths About Marketing to Millennials" in removed
c_prompt voted down "20 Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Rats From House" in ozym
Shineskie voted for "ValME needs user tagging in posts and comments" in SuggestionBox
Shineskie voted for "First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers" in health
c_prompt voted down "aerial photography services" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Tawa Sabji Mix" in pcmmasale
c_prompt voted down "Jaljira Masala" in pcmmasale
c_prompt voted down "The Top 5 Movie Sales Quotes of All Time - Teleark Blog" in removed
c_prompt voted down "iPhone Mobile App Development" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Watermark your images | Download Free Software" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Buy Luxurious GIftcards at Zokudo" in Rapfashionista
c_prompt voted down "ارخص شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض 0595055756 أبادة فورية" in removed
c_prompt voted down "360 Central - Home" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Serra Dispensary Belmont, Marijuanna, Weed Store" in removed
c_prompt voted down "The best ways to Prolong the Life of Wood Pallets" in iifdfashion
Andrew voted for comment "What a great article! You are a very talented writer. PopPop and I are so proud of you. " in Blog
ellaclarke29 voted for "Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson" in science
Andrew voted for comment "Pop pop and I would love to see a match one day. It looks so cool!" in Blog
c_prompt voted down "Home - Top Eye Doctors Near Me" in EyeDoctorNearMe
c_prompt voted down "Wirth Law Office - Tahlequah" in tahlequahattorney01
c_prompt voted down "Asbestos Watch Sydney" in asbestoswatchsydney
c_prompt voted down "Luxury Auto Rentals" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Asbestos Testing Adelaide - Inspection of Your Building" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Yellow Coaching" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Pets R Family Too,Pet Sitters, Pet Walking, Dog Walking" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Financial Advisor Miami" in removed
mannacapitalmgt voted for "Financial Advisor Miami" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Colegios De Puerto Rico" in removed
c_prompt voted down "A Great Testimonial From a Student at A Laser Academy" in removed
samsjain voted for "Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson" in science
c_prompt voted down "Social Media Trends to Watch Out For In 2017" in SEOManchester
SEOManchester voted for "When Social Media Gets Real - My Own Social Media" in funny
[deleted] voted for "Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson" in science
c_prompt voted down "Jasa SEO Murah Indonesia - Konsultasi Gratis" in jasaseo
ZappingMovies voted for "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern." in Note to Self
c_prompt voted for "A gentle introduction to the lightning network" in bitcoin
c_prompt voted for "Peek-A-Boo, Zika" in Infectious_Disease
Yield4Nothing voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
c_prompt voted for "Killer Viruses - Should we make them?" in Infectious_Disease
c_prompt voted for "Free guacamole & chips from Chipotle; play the game!" in freebies
digdug voted for comment "To me, this song is missing something...Ah... that's better." in music
[deleted] voted for "Suggestion for latest activity" in SuggestionBox
digdug voted for "Sum: how do you spend your life?" in Note to Self
c_prompt voted for comment "If you can only watch a bit, watch the last bit starting at ~1:12." in science
hollyrai voted for "Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson" in science
c_prompt voted for "Smith's Reef" in 2gringosincaribbean
c_prompt voted for ""La Famille Express" revisted" in 2gringosincaribbean
c_prompt voted for "Bugaloo's Conch Crawl" in 2gringosincaribbean
Clarisse88 voted for "Dying for love - immature vs. mature love" in objectivism
digdug voted for "[NSFW] F*ck That: A Guided Meditation" in funny
c_prompt voted for comment "This is the Internet. The company probably won't be around in 9 years." in efreebies
digdug voted for "The difference between UI and UX" in technology
Clarisse88 voted for "[NSFW] F*ck That: A Guided Meditation" in funny
pabloapicco voted for "Why is Modern Art so Bad?" in art
c_prompt voted for comment "does not work or is unavailable." in efreebies
digdug voted for "Hajj Stampede Accident - At least 700+ people killed" in worldnews
digdug voted for "It was the gun's fault" in politics
digdug voted for "The Death of Discussion" in philosophy
digdug voted for "Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson" in science
c_prompt voted for comment "Indiana... where there are safe sex signs on the road depicting animals that kick." in Clarisse88
c_prompt voted for comment "Thank you for the TLDR." in science
digdug voted for "Every Breath You Take a capella" in music
digdug voted for "Hotel California a capella" in music
c_prompt voted for comment "Go ahead. Call me a cynic.Maybe better to call you hopeless. " in funny
digdug voted for "Me dealing with my life right now..." in funny
[deleted] voted for "Me dealing with my life right now..." in funny
c_prompt voted for "Me dealing with my life right now..." in funny
rcall voted for "How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood" in bitcoin
c_prompt voted for comment "Hmm, it says video private for me and I can't watch =(" in funny
alice voted for "This is so me.... like, all the time. Lol." in funny
alice voted for "Woman gives birth in the car! Amazing video" in FeelGood
alice voted for "When Social Media Gets Real - My Own Social Media" in funny
digdug voted for "First journal post!" in AdamTheDewott
c_prompt voted for "First journal post!" in AdamTheDewott
digdug voted for "When Social Media Gets Real - My Own Social Media" in funny
c_prompt voted for comment "/u/c_prompt, valME needs stickers - but first it needs a new logo " in c_prompt
c_prompt voted for comment "Simplicity is good." in SuggestionBox
AdamTheDewott voted for "[PROJECT] New Logo Concept for valME" in SuggestionBox
c_prompt voted for comment "i love operadevil's logo. he wins by a landslide!" in SuggestionBox
Clarisse88 voted for "When Social Media Gets Real - My Own Social Media" in funny
rcall voted for "When Social Media Gets Real - My Own Social Media" in funny
[deleted] voted for comment "One of your best ones yet." in TattooedWanderer
c_prompt voted for comment "Take that somedude." in c_prompt
digdug voted for comment "The math is correct... and it's not a bug :)" in writing
digdug voted for "RSS feeds to simplify your job search" in jobs
digdug voted for "Woman gives birth in the car! Amazing video" in FeelGood
digdug voted for "Why I Still Use the Oxford Comma" in funny
rcall voted for "RSS feeds to simplify your job search" in jobs
c_prompt voted for "Woman gives birth in the car! Amazing video" in FeelGood
rcall voted for comment "That was quick. If only you were so quick with this. " in GettingStarted
[deleted] voted for "This is so me.... like, all the time. Lol." in funny
rcall voted for "Online Fantasy Relationships? Are You Kidding Me?" in relationships
digdug voted for "This is so me.... like, all the time. Lol." in funny
c_prompt voted for comment "Gives one hope for humanity." in todayilearned
Clemens voted for "Why is Modern Art so Bad?" in art
c_prompt tipped "This is so me.... like, all the time. Lol." in funny
c_prompt voted for "This is so me.... like, all the time. Lol." in funny
c_prompt tipped comment "Do you have ad-blocker? I have it and I didn't see any ads..." in science
c_prompt voted for comment "Do you have ad-blocker? I have it and I didn't see any ads..." in science
digdug voted for "[PROJECT] New Logo Concept for valME" in SuggestionBox
sereban voted for "[PROJECT] New Logo Concept for valME" in SuggestionBox
Clarisse88 voted for "[PROJECT] New Logo Concept for valME" in SuggestionBox
c_prompt voted for "[PROJECT] New Logo Concept for valME" in SuggestionBox
digdug voted for "Why is Modern Art so Bad?" in art
c_prompt voted for "Why is Modern Art so Bad?" in art
c_prompt tipped "In defense of Google" in technology
c_prompt voted for "In defense of Google" in technology
digdug voted for "From cries to contentedness" in c_prompt
digdug voted for "Couple quit their jobs to sail the world with their cat" in sailing
Clarisse88 voted for "From cries to contentedness" in c_prompt
Clarisse88 voted for comment "Relevant:" in politics
digdug voted for "Rules of Success to Adopt by Age 13" in Note to Self
Clarisse88 voted for "Rules of Success to Adopt by Age 13" in Note to Self
alice voted for "Tales from the Bizarro World" in philosophy
alice voted for comment "What a waste of money when you can get this for £10,000 in 2017: " in cooking
alice voted for "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Torture (HBO)" in politics
alice voted for "Father & 2 Daughters Dance to "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift" in aww
digdug voted for "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Torture (HBO)" in politics
c_prompt voted for comment "What a waste of money when you can get this for £10,000 in 2017: " in cooking
digdug voted for "Tales from the Bizarro World" in philosophy
Clarisse88 voted for "I’ve Been Doing Painting Videos All Wrong" in painting
digdug voted for "Scientists retrieve lost memories using optogenetics" in science
c_prompt voted for comment "Blind and unsubstantiated assertions aside, interesting ideas to think about." in Note to Self
digdug voted for "Cold sore virus 'treats skin cancer'" in cancer
digdug voted for "Elon Musk: The World's Raddest Man" in technology
digdug voted for comment "Done - enjoy." in SuggestionBox
[deleted] voted for "God Realizes He Forgot To Put Souls In Humans" in funny
sereban voted for comment "Done - enjoy." in SuggestionBox
sereban voted for "God Realizes He Forgot To Put Souls In Humans" in funny
c_prompt voted for "God Realizes He Forgot To Put Souls In Humans" in funny
c_prompt voted for comment "That was quick. If only you were so quick with this. " in GettingStarted
digdug voted for "This was me when I woke up this morning..." in AdviceAnimals
digdug voted for comment "A terrible state of affairs (no pun intended). Don't get me started." in relationships
digdug voted for "I Don't Care If I Suck, As Long As I'm Learning" in Note to Self
Clarisse88 voted for comment "Here you go:I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried." in politics
[deleted] voted for comment "TIL the definition of wahine. "Goddess" doesn't do her justice." in music
digdug voted for comment "That might be my first downvote ever." in fitness
digdug voted for comment "I'm shy? :)" in fitness
digdug voted for "How we end up marrying the wrong people" in relationships
digdug voted for "First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers" in health
c_prompt tipped "Suggestion for latest activity" in SuggestionBox
c_prompt voted for "Suggestion for latest activity" in SuggestionBox
c_prompt voted for comment "TIL the definition of wahine. "Goddess" doesn't do her justice." in music
c_prompt voted down comment " uc_prompt you need to see this..." in fitness
Clarisse88 voted for "Train for a marathon in 18 weeks" in running
c_prompt voted for "This is me when I run" in funny
Clarisse88 voted for comment "Of course, if the abs video above doesn't work for you, there's always this:" in fitness
Clarisse88 voted for comment "Love the new upvotedownvote buttons. 1 just for those." in fitness
Clarisse88 voted for comment "Pics or it didn't happen." in fitness
[deleted] voted for "First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers" in health
digdug voted for "How I Healed My Failing Liver Naturally" in health
sereban voted for "ValME needs user tagging in posts and comments" in SuggestionBox
digdug voted for "Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless" in psychology
digdug voted for "ValME needs user tagging in posts and comments" in SuggestionBox
sereban voted for "How I Healed My Failing Liver Naturally" in health
c_prompt voted for "ValME needs user tagging in posts and comments" in SuggestionBox
shibuya246 voted for "A new look at Hotaru HuntTheme" in sereban
digdug voted for comment "Blech. You call this art?" in art
Clarisse88 voted for comment "I'm not even going to touch this." in sex
Clarisse88 voted for comment "Blech. You call this art?" in art
Clarisse88 voted for "The $1,000 CPM — Medium" in technology
digdug voted for "The $1,000 CPM — Medium" in technology
alice voted for comment "Sickening." in politics
alice voted for comment "Brilliant! Let the foreplay begin." in dating
c_prompt voted for "The $1,000 CPM — Medium" in technology
c_prompt voted down "The $1,000 CPM — Medium" in technology
c_prompt tipped "The $1,000 CPM — Medium" in technology
c_prompt voted for "The $1,000 CPM — Medium" in technology
c_prompt voted for comment "Sickening." in politics
c_prompt voted for comment "This avatar" in sereban
c_prompt voted for "A new look at Hotaru HuntTheme" in sereban
Clarisse88 voted for "I Don’t Believe in Religious Freedom" in politics
[deleted] voted for comment "Brilliant! Let the foreplay begin." in dating
c_prompt voted for comment "Brilliant! Let the foreplay begin." in dating
digdug voted for "The very best of Will Ferrell" in funny
digdug voted for "Ayn Rand Haters Will Hate" in objectivism
Clarisse88 voted for "Old school Tinder" in dating
c_prompt voted for "The very best of Will Ferrell" in funny
alice voted for comment "THAT is an incredible video and message. Tears flowing. Wow... just wow." in parenting
alice voted for "Old school Tinder" in dating
c_prompt voted for comment "THAT is an incredible video and message. Tears flowing. Wow... just wow." in parenting
digdug voted for "Old school Tinder" in dating
digdug voted for "Yo, Hallmark, I got some Valentines for ya" in relationships
[deleted] voted for "Symphony of Science - Scientists become rock stars" in science
alice voted for "Symphony of Science - Scientists become rock stars" in science
alice voted for "Forget how much it hurts and try again" in Note to Self
alice voted for "How to Contemporary Dance (So You Think You Can Dance)" in funny
c_prompt voted for "Yo, Hallmark, I got some Valentines for ya" in relationships
alice voted for "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern." in Note to Self
digdug voted for "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern." in Note to Self
digdug voted for "Symphony of Science - Scientists become rock stars" in science
digdug voted for "Forget how much it hurts and try again" in Note to Self
digdug voted for "How to Contemporary Dance (So You Think You Can Dance)" in funny
digdug voted for comment "Inspiration!" in music
hollyrai voted for "Why You're My Friend" in relationships
Clarisse88 voted for "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern." in Note to Self
c_prompt tipped comment "Inspiration!" in music
c_prompt voted for comment "Inspiration!" in music
alice voted for "9 American habits I lost when I moved to Germany" in travel
alice voted for comment "Here you go:I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried." in politics
alice voted for "This Is How We Date Now" in dating
[deleted] voted for "How To Be Alone" in Note to Self
[deleted] voted for "The Topography of Tears" in science
[deleted] voted for "This Is How We Date Now" in dating
[deleted] tipped "This Is How We Date Now" in dating
digdug voted for comment "Here you go:I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried." in politics
c_prompt voted for "9 American habits I lost when I moved to Germany" in travel
digdug voted for comment "Ah, never mind. I see it's only occurring in certain browsers. I'm on it." in csstemplates
digdug voted for "Revised css guidance" in csstemplates
digdug voted for "People often tell reporters things their employers, or their government, want to keep suppressed. But leaking can serve the public interest, fueling revelatory and important journalism. Here is how to leak to The Intercept, a publication strongly committed to publishing stories based on leaked material when that material is newsworthy and serves the public interest" in conspiracy
digdug voted for "How To Be Alone" in Note to Self
digdug voted for "Ever Wonder What Your Dog Is Thinking?" in funny
digdug voted for "What It’s Like To Have An Extremely High IQ?" in Note to Self
digdug voted for "15 Things That Introverts Would Never Tell You" in Note to Self
digdug voted for "25 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Rumi" in Note to Self
Clarisse88 voted for "Ever Wonder What Your Dog Is Thinking?" in funny
c_prompt voted for "Ever Wonder What Your Dog Is Thinking?" in funny
b_independent voted for "Revised css guidance" in csstemplates
c_prompt voted for "Climate And Truth: A Tale Of Immorality?" in environment
digdug voted for comment "Or not: Tribler "decentralized BitTorrent" software's crypto is completely broken" in hacking
c_prompt voted for comment "And then there's this:" in politics
c_prompt voted for comment "And how many dates do you go on?" in dating
c_prompt voted for comment "Lots of clichés, but valid nonetheless." in Note to Self
digdug voted for "50 Things Every Girl (and Guy) Needs To Hear" in Note to Self
alice voted for "50 Things Every Girl (and Guy) Needs To Hear" in Note to Self
Clarisse88 voted for "50 Things Every Girl (and Guy) Needs To Hear" in Note to Self
[deleted] voted for "50 Things Every Girl (and Guy) Needs To Hear" in Note to Self
c_prompt voted for "13 Amazing Food & Life Hacks You Need to Know Right Now" in funny
digdug voted for "Woody Harrelson: 'I'm an anarchist'" in anarcho-capitalism
digdug voted for "Pixar's 22 rules to phenomenal storytelling" in writing
digdug voted for "Dancers among us!" in FeelGood
[deleted] voted for "So Jesus comes back to Earth..." in atheism
c_prompt tipped "Dancers among us!" in FeelGood
c_prompt voted for "Dancers among us!" in FeelGood
Clarisse88 voted for "Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time" in funny
c_prompt voted for "Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time" in funny
digdug voted for "The Great Thanksgiving Hoax" in politics
digdug voted for "What is love's purpose?" in relationships
c_prompt tipped "What is love's purpose?" in relationships
c_prompt voted for "What is love's purpose?" in relationships
digdug voted for "Date the Atlas, Not the Shrug" in dating
Clarisse88 voted for "Date the Atlas, Not the Shrug" in dating
[deleted] voted for "Date the Atlas, Not the Shrug" in dating
Clarisse88 voted for "Jaded from dating - reasons why I cannot love you" in dating
Clarisse88 voted for comment "Heartbreaking." in dating
[deleted] voted for "Jaded from dating - reasons why I cannot love you" in dating
digdug voted down "Holy Mount Guide « Archaeotourism Travel Blog" in Archaeotravel
digdug voted for comment ""Just waiting on the right external happiness to save me." = poison" in TattooedWanderer
[deleted] voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
[deleted] voted for comment ""Just waiting on the right external happiness to save me." = poison" in TattooedWanderer
[deleted] voted for "The genesis of valME.io - what were you thinking?" in FAQ
[deleted] voted for comment "That just gave me the shivers. Very vivid. Too vivid." in TattooedWanderer
[deleted] voted for "Lying - The Death of Happiness" in philosophy
Clarisse88 voted for "Before getting married, read the fine print" in AdviceAnimals
Clarisse88 voted for "My favorite quotes" in b_independent
shibuya246 voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
[deleted] voted for "A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging" in writing
[deleted] voted for "Self Reflections in Art" in Clarisse88
[deleted] voted for "Why You're My Friend" in relationships
c_prompt voted for "Meet The Millennials: All You Ever Wanted To Know About America's Youth, In Charts. This is depressing - their future looks very bleak. Limited job opportunities, high student debt, living with their parents and a state of suspended occupational animation while hoping for better days... how sad." in politics
digdug voted for "Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People" in learn
digdug voted for "GetNotified when something happens" in shibuya246
shibuya246 voted for comment "Done. Keep those UI suggestions coming!" in SuggestionBox
c_prompt tipped "CSS change for Bootstrap3" in SuggestionBox
c_prompt voted for "CSS change for Bootstrap3" in SuggestionBox
Clarisse88 voted for "GetNotified when something happens" in shibuya246
c_prompt tipped "GetNotified when something happens" in shibuya246
c_prompt voted for "GetNotified when something happens" in shibuya246
digdug voted for "Are You Eating Enough?" in health
digdug voted for "This Woman Can Sing Multiple Notes At Once!" in music
c_prompt voted for "This Woman Can Sing Multiple Notes At Once!" in music
c_prompt voted for "So this one-legged man walks into a bar" in dating
digdug voted for "What's right with Hermione" in teens
digdug voted for "Will Russia and China Hold Their Fire?" in politics
digdug voted for "Is a Cancer Cure Being Suppressed?" in cancer
digdug voted for "Is Maleficent an Anarchist Fable?" in anarcho-capitalism
digdug voted for "Entering the Intelligence Labyrinth" in politics
digdug voted for "The Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto" in anarcho-capitalism
digdug voted for "Artificial spleen cleans up blood" in science
c_prompt voted for "Apocalypse Now - Or Apocalypse Later" in politics
digdug voted for "Ignorance and Myopia" in sex
digdug voted for "On Homophobia" in sex
digdug voted for "Beyond Passion: The Science of Loving What You Do" in jobs
Clarisse88 voted for "What is the meaning of life?" in philosophy
digdug voted for "The Truth We Won’t Admit: Drinking Is Healthy" in health
digdug voted for "Why I'm Leaving Google After Only 9 Months" in business
digdug voted for "The Drone That Will Sail Itself Around the World" in sailing
c_prompt voted for "Rand on the Middle East" in objectivism
digdug voted for "On Polysexuality (Revised)" in sex
digdug voted for "Why Art Became Ugly" in art
alice voted for "Is This How We'll Cure Cancer?" in cancer
alice voted for "TIL the rock band Van Halen once stipulated in contracts that they be provided with a bowl of M&Ms backstage with all brown candies removed to test if the venue and production crew read the contract. If they didn't, there was likely a technical error that would be life-threatening." in todayilearned
alice voted for "Don’t Walk Away from War - It's Not the American Way" in politics
alice voted for comment "Tears flowing." in c_prompt
alice voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
digdug voted for "The Ethics of Entrepreneurship and Profit" in anarcho-capitalism
Clarisse88 voted for "More punk, less hell!" in anarchism
digdug voted for "More punk, less hell!" in anarchism
digdug voted for "Don’t Walk Away from War - It's Not the American Way" in politics
digdug voted for "Teaching Kids the Value of Money" in parenting
digdug voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
c_prompt voted for "Don’t Walk Away from War - It's Not the American Way" in politics
peace_on_earth voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
Clarisse88 voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
hollyrai voted for "Dearest Daughter: My Graduation Card to You" in c_prompt
hollyrai voted for "TIL why alcohol makes you dizzy" in todayilearned
digdug voted for "Sound and Touch Collide" in psychology
digdug voted for "Is This How We'll Cure Cancer?" in cancer
digdug voted for "TIL the rock band Van Halen once stipulated in contracts that they be provided with a bowl of M&Ms backstage with all brown candies removed to test if the venue and production crew read the contract. If they didn't, there was likely a technical error that would be life-threatening." in todayilearned
c_prompt voted for "Why I won’t work for Google" in technology
digdug voted for "If You Meet John Galt On The Road, Kill Him" in philosophy
c_prompt voted for "TIL the rock band Van Halen once stipulated in contracts that they be provided with a bowl of M&Ms backstage with all brown candies removed to test if the venue and production crew read the contract. If they didn't, there was likely a technical error that would be life-threatening." in todayilearned
hollyrai voted for "Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren't Nice To You" in libertarian
alice voted for "Online Fantasy Relationships? Are You Kidding Me?" in relationships
alice voted for "Freewill: You Never Forget Your First Love" in objectivism
alice voted for "Why You're My Friend" in relationships
Clarisse88 voted for "Why You're My Friend" in relationships
peace_on_earth voted for "Freewill: You Never Forget Your First Love" in objectivism
peace_on_earth voted for "Why You're My Friend" in relationships
digdug voted for "Why You're My Friend" in relationships
digdug voted for "Jello shots in orange peels - the "kids" will love them" in food
digdug voted for comment "This is a food group! You need a yum karma! " in food
b_independent voted for "Why You're My Friend" in relationships
digdug voted for "Freewill: You Never Forget Your First Love" in objectivism
digdug voted for "Online Fantasy Relationships? Are You Kidding Me?" in relationships
c_prompt voted for "Freewill: You Never Forget Your First Love" in objectivism
[deleted] voted for "Train for a marathon in 18 weeks" in running
[deleted] voted down "Train for a marathon in 18 weeks" in running
alice voted for "Ladies first - men, please say chivalry isn't dead" in relationships
alice voted for "TIL that, only after millions of Jews were herded into railroad cars destined for death and the remaining in dilapidated ghetto housing, a small resistance (ZOB) organized. It was wiped out within a month. Too little, too late. Lesson: pay attention and don't wait too long to resist." in todayilearned
alice voted for "Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren't Nice To You" in libertarian
c_prompt voted for "Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren't Nice To You" in libertarian
peace_on_earth voted for "TIL that, only after millions of Jews were herded into railroad cars destined for death and the remaining in dilapidated ghetto housing, a small resistance (ZOB) organized. It was wiped out within a month. Too little, too late. Lesson: pay attention and don't wait too long to resist." in todayilearned
c_prompt tipped "TIL that, only after millions of Jews were herded into railroad cars destined for death and the remaining in dilapidated ghetto housing, a small resistance (ZOB) organized. It was wiped out within a month. Too little, too late. Lesson: pay attention and don't wait too long to resist." in todayilearned
c_prompt voted for "TIL that, only after millions of Jews were herded into railroad cars destined for death and the remaining in dilapidated ghetto housing, a small resistance (ZOB) organized. It was wiped out within a month. Too little, too late. Lesson: pay attention and don't wait too long to resist." in todayilearned
alice voted for "PostHuman: An Introduction To Transhumanism" in health
alice voted for "Before getting married, read the fine print" in AdviceAnimals
hollyrai voted for "Jaded from dating - reasons why I cannot love you" in dating
alice voted for "Dying for love - immature vs. mature love" in objectivism
alice voted for "I lack imagination" in gaming
digdug voted for "From Bump to Buzz" in FeelGood
digdug voted for "I lack imagination" in gaming
digdug voted for "IKEA vs Apple" in apple
digdug voted for "Live long and prosper - the philosophy of Star Trek" in philosophy
digdug voted for "PostHuman: An Introduction To Transhumanism" in health
digdug voted for "Life is not read-only" in politics
digdug voted for "Dying for love - immature vs. mature love" in objectivism
digdug voted for "Twelve Virtues of Rationality" in philosophy
digdug voted for "Our Comrade The Electron" in technology
b_independent voted for "PostHuman: An Introduction To Transhumanism" in health
b_independent voted for "I lack imagination" in gaming
peace_on_earth voted for "I lack imagination" in gaming
c_prompt voted for "Life is not read-only" in politics
c_prompt voted for "IKEA vs Apple" in apple
peace_on_earth voted for comment "This is a food group! You need a yum karma! " in food
peace_on_earth voted for "IKEA vs Apple" in apple
alice voted for "Kids Bowl Free All Summer Long" in freebies
c_prompt tipped comment "This is a food group! You need a yum karma! " in food
c_prompt voted for comment "This is a food group! You need a yum karma! " in food
alice voted for "Jello shots in orange peels - the "kids" will love them" in food
nothingman voted for "From Bump to Buzz" in FeelGood
alice voted for "From Bump to Buzz" in FeelGood
c_prompt voted for "From Bump to Buzz" in FeelGood
c_prompt voted for "From Bump to Buzz" in FeelGood
digdug voted for "Good resource to practice math and English (K - 12)" in teens
digdug voted for "Introducing Me To European Nudity" in peace_on_earth
digdug voted for "Good form - etiquette and manners in conversation" in relationships
digdug voted for "Kids Bowl Free All Summer Long" in freebies
peace_on_earth voted for comment "Chemistry. Improving Halloween for kids everywhere." in science
alice voted for comment "Chemistry. Improving Halloween for kids everywhere." in science
alice voted for comment "I feel physically ill after reading this. I also feel helpless to help." in politics
alice voted for "Good resource to practice math and English (K - 12)" in teens
alice voted for "How to observe reality" in philosophy
alice voted for "Self Reflections in Art" in Clarisse88
c_prompt voted for comment "The link doesn't work. It went to a page with weird Wordpress database errors. " in conspiracy
alice voted for "Lying - The Death of Happiness" in philosophy
alice voted for "Integrity and Art" in art
alice voted for "Absolutism vs. relativism - is truth subjective?" in philosophy
alice voted for "Don’t you dare tell my daughter she’s 'pretty'" in parenting
alice voted for "How to draw an apple" in drawing
digdug voted for "How to observe reality" in philosophy
digdug voted for "Don’t you dare tell my daughter she’s 'pretty'" in parenting
digdug voted for "Lying - The Death of Happiness" in philosophy
digdug voted for "Absolutism vs. relativism - is truth subjective?" in philosophy
digdug voted for "Self Reflections in Art" in Clarisse88
digdug voted for "Integrity and Art" in art
digdug voted for "How to draw an apple" in drawing
c_prompt voted for comment "I feel physically ill after reading this. I also feel helpless to help." in politics
peace_on_earth voted for "How to observe reality" in philosophy
peace_on_earth voted for "How to draw an apple" in drawing
c_prompt voted for "How to draw an apple" in drawing
c_prompt voted for "How to observe reality" in philosophy
peace_on_earth voted for "Everything You Know About Fitness Is a Lie" in fitness
peace_on_earth voted for "Camino" in atheism
peace_on_earth voted for "Self Reflections in Art" in Clarisse88
peace_on_earth voted for "Lying - The Death of Happiness" in philosophy
peace_on_earth voted for "Integrity and Art" in art
c_prompt voted for "Integrity and Art" in art
c_prompt voted for "Lying - The Death of Happiness" in philosophy
c_prompt voted for "Self Reflections in Art" in Clarisse88
c_prompt voted for "Absolutism vs. relativism - is truth subjective?" in philosophy
digdug voted for "How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings" in conspiracy
digdug voted for "Everything You Know About Fitness Is a Lie" in fitness
digdug voted for "Why I No Longer Give Away My Music | On the Commons" in music
digdug voted for comment "Relevant: The Death of the Bachelor's Degree" in education
digdug voted for "Over 5,000 Ph.D. graduates work as janitors – Why?" in education
digdug voted for "15 adorable relationship tips from kids" in dating
alice voted for "Why I No Longer Give Away My Music | On the Commons" in music
peace_on_earth voted for "Why complicate life?" in alice
c_prompt voted for "15 adorable relationship tips from kids" in dating
c_prompt voted for "Why I No Longer Give Away My Music | On the Commons" in music
alice voted for comment "But emacs for blogging?And the geeks shall inherit the Earth." in writing
alice voted for "A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging" in writing
c_prompt voted for comment "But emacs for blogging?And the geeks shall inherit the Earth." in writing
digdug voted for comment "I'm not even going to touch this." in sex
digdug voted for "[NSFW] Sex in The Fountainhead - The Rape of Ayn Rand" in sex
digdug voted for "TIL marijuana wasn't illegal in the US until 1937" in todayilearned
digdug voted for comment "Fascinating, and very, very scary." in conspiracy
digdug voted for "TIL why alcohol makes you dizzy" in todayilearned
digdug voted for "Will real anarchists please step forward?" in anarchism
digdug voted for "What is the meaning of life?" in philosophy
digdug voted for "Stupid questions and how to make them better" in philosophy
digdug voted for "What's scientific about political science? Nothing." in politics
digdug voted for "Does being rich impose a moral obligation?" in philosophy
peace_on_earth tipped "A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging" in writing
peace_on_earth voted for "A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging" in writing
c_prompt tipped "A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging" in writing
c_prompt voted for "A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging" in writing
digdug voted for "Math exercise - expand." in funny
peace_on_earth voted for "Math exercise - expand." in funny
alice voted for "Math exercise - expand." in funny
alice voted for comment "I'm not even going to touch this." in sex
alice voted for "TIL why alcohol makes you dizzy" in todayilearned
alice voted for "TIL marijuana wasn't illegal in the US until 1937" in todayilearned
alice voted for "[NSFW] Sex in The Fountainhead - The Rape of Ayn Rand" in sex
alice voted for "What is the meaning of life?" in philosophy
alice voted for "What's scientific about political science? Nothing." in politics
alice voted for "Does being rich impose a moral obligation?" in philosophy
c_prompt voted for comment "I'm not even going to touch this." in sex
c_prompt voted for "TIL why alcohol makes you dizzy" in todayilearned
c_prompt voted for "What is the meaning of life?" in philosophy
c_prompt voted for "What's scientific about political science? Nothing." in politics
c_prompt voted for "Does being rich impose a moral obligation?" in philosophy
peace_on_earth voted for "TIL why alcohol makes you dizzy" in todayilearned
peace_on_earth voted for "What is the meaning of life?" in philosophy
peace_on_earth voted for "Stupid questions and how to make them better" in philosophy
peace_on_earth voted for "Does being rich impose a moral obligation?" in philosophy
c_prompt voted for "[NSFW] Sex in The Fountainhead - The Rape of Ayn Rand" in sex
c_prompt voted for "TIL why alcohol makes you dizzy" in todayilearned
c_prompt voted for "Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures" in teens
peace_on_earth voted for "Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures" in teens
alice voted for "The genesis of valME.io - what were you thinking?" in FAQ
alice voted for "Trader Joe’s shrugged" in objectivism
peace_on_earth voted for "The genesis of valME.io - what were you thinking?" in FAQ
digdug voted for "The genesis of valME.io - what were you thinking?" in FAQ
digdug voted for "How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood" in bitcoin
digdug voted for "Trader Joe’s shrugged" in objectivism
c_prompt voted for "The genesis of valME.io - what were you thinking?" in FAQ
c_prompt voted for comment "I remember it - who you calling old? " in todayilearned
digdug voted for comment "That's a great kids video. Looks very old." in todayilearned
alice voted for "TIL that TIL is only allowed in TIL" in todayilearned
peace_on_earth voted for "TIL that TIL is only allowed in TIL" in todayilearned
command_line voted for "TIL that TIL is only allowed in TIL" in todayilearned
c_prompt voted for "TIL that TIL is only allowed in TIL" in todayilearned
peace_on_earth voted for comment "Good suggestion. Implemented. (And it even helped me find a bug.)" in politics
digdug voted for comment "Good suggestion. Implemented. (And it even helped me find a bug.)" in politics
peace_on_earth voted for "Economics 101" in economics
c_prompt voted for "Economics 101" in economics
peace_on_earth voted for "Noah's Ark..." in atheism
alice voted for "Exactly" in b_independent
alice voted for comment "In the immortal words of Bill Murray (Stripes): "It is alive."" in FAQ
alice voted for "Outernet | Information for the World from Outer Space" in technology
command_line voted for comment "Nervous karma type removed." in FAQ
c_prompt voted for comment "Nervous karma type removed." in FAQ
c_prompt voted for comment "I saw this on FB today" in politics
c_prompt voted for "Noah's Ark..." in atheism
c_prompt voted for "So Jesus comes back to Earth..." in atheism
c_prompt voted for "Before getting married, read the fine print" in AdviceAnimals
alice voted for "Happy Valentine's Day" in dating
alice voted for "Local Vs Organic - What to Buy" in fitness
digdug voted for "Train for a marathon in 18 weeks" in running
digdug voted for "Local Vs Organic - What to Buy" in fitness
digdug voted for comment "Much better karma choices. Snaps? (grin)" in music
digdug voted for comment "One of the best sing-along songs EVER. You are missed Freddie." in music
digdug voted for comment "OK, where's the "I snorted when read that" karma?" in dating
digdug voted for "Happy Valentine's Day" in dating
c_prompt voted for "Local Vs Organic - What to Buy" in fitness
c_prompt voted for "Happy Valentine's Day" in dating
peace_on_earth voted down "[NSFW] Louis CK learns about the Catholic Church" in atheism
peace_on_earth voted for comment "Quick. Someone find me the facepalm upvote button." in atheism
digdug voted for "Before getting married, read the fine print" in AdviceAnimals
c_prompt voted for "My favorite quotes" in b_independent
alice voted for comment "Love the new upvotedownvote buttons. 1 just for those." in fitness
alice voted for comment "A selfie? That is so not gonna happen." in fitness
alice voted for comment "Pics or it didn't happen." in fitness
alice voted for comment "And how 'bout those green flip flops? I ran in flip flops once. ONCE." in running
alice voted for "Train for a marathon in 18 weeks" in running
peace_on_earth voted for "Train for a marathon in 18 weeks" in running
peace_on_earth voted for comment "It appears someone doesn't have enough bugs to fix. That's a good thing." in running
peace_on_earth voted for comment "Consider me on the hunt. And, you see? I just found (and corrected) one. " in running
peace_on_earth voted for comment "Pics or it didn't happen." in fitness
peace_on_earth voted for comment "A selfie? That is so not gonna happen." in fitness
peace_on_earth voted for comment "Pics or it didn't happen." in fitness
command_line voted for comment "Consider me on the hunt. And, you see? I just found (and corrected) one. " in running
c_prompt voted for comment "It appears someone doesn't have enough bugs to fix. That's a good thing." in running
command_line voted for "Train for a marathon in 18 weeks" in running
c_prompt voted for comment "Pics or it didn't happen." in fitness
digdug voted for "I believe..." in alice
digdug voted for "Exactly" in b_independent
command_line voted for "I believe..." in alice
c_prompt voted for "I believe..." in alice
alice voted for "My favorite quotes" in b_independent
alice voted for "Intellectual Independence" in philosophy
digdug voted for "Intellectual Independence" in philosophy
digdug voted for "My favorite quotes" in b_independent
peace_on_earth voted for "My favorite quotes" in b_independent
peace_on_earth voted for "Intellectual Independence" in philosophy
b_independent voted for "Intellectual Independence" in philosophy
c_prompt voted for "Intellectual Independence" in philosophy
b_independent voted for comment "Fini" in csstemplates
c_prompt voted for "On the First Day" in politics
c_prompt voted for "Creative Commons licensing template" in csstemplates
command_line voted for "Creative Commons licensing template" in csstemplates
command_line voted for "On the First Day" in politics
command_line voted for comment "I assume this means break's over. " in css
c_prompt voted for "Exactly" in b_independent
digdug voted for comment "An excellent idea.Short-term memory? It was your idea." in csstemplates
digdug voted for comment "I've added "thanks" karma to the community." in csstemplates
c_prompt voted for "css templates would help submissions" in SuggestionBox
admin voted for "css templates would help submissions" in SuggestionBox
c_prompt voted for comment "And I just made an important purchase: uploading an image. Karma well-spent." in digdug
c_prompt voted for comment "Aw, hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about. Time for me to spread the love." in digdug
We searched long and hard (alright, we really just did a plain ol' SQL query on the database) but didn't find anything to put on this page. So please just go click somewhere else.
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