Home / The Cost to Connect - Internet Prices Around the World
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Embarrassing. Abysmal. Pathetic.
These are the words that used to come to mind when I considered Internet Service Providers (ISP) in the US. To me, they seemed so slow and costly. Then I did some analysis. Now what word do I use to describe them?
With Google's recent announcement that it plans to expand Gigabit Internet to 34 new cities (that's 1,000 Mbps - yee-ha!), I was curious as to how US ISPs measure-up against those in the rest of the world. After a day spent scouring the Internet of 99 different geographies, some very interesting conclusions appeared:
Biggest WTF: A hardy congratulations goes out to... Romania? Yes, indeed my fellow surfers. Romania not only provides 1,000 Mbps downloads speeds, but they do it for the low, low price of USD $0.02/Mbps. Wow. Just wow. Because there's little doubt you'll believe some of these conclusions, I've included a link to all prices and, additionally, I've included the spreadsheet below so you can see the data. (If you find any errors, especially if I misinterpreted some translated text, please let me know and I will update.)
Gaining the top spot deserves an extra shout-out to the fine folks at RCS & RDS, with pictures as proof:
I still can't get over it. Admittedly, I didn't even know where Romania was. I had to look it up. Ah ha! Transylvania! Vampire stories! Bram Stoker's Dracula! Now I remember. Based on their Internet pricing, I think it's proper the world recognize Romania as no longer associated with blood suckers. Who's with me?
Highest fist pump: The undisputed leader in speed goes where I would have expected: Japan. At 2,000 Mbps, they are double the speeds of their fastest competitors (only 6 of the 99 ISPs evaluated offered speeds of 1,000 Mbps). Japan has a long history of technology leadership, so I'd have been surprised if they weren't in one of the top spots. But what is even more incredible is they also charge a measly USD $0.02/Mbps. It's like their blood brothers with Romania. (Sorry, but someone had to say it.) I'm beside myself at this point. So-net - even though I can't read a word of Japanese, you're pure, unadulterated awesomeness!
Most painful face palm: Perhaps it is because Greenland has been incorrectly sized for so many years on maps across the world that they think their Internet prices should also be large. Or maybe they're just trying to compensate for something else. At USD $69.00/Mbps, they are the undisputed loser for their paltry "8,192 kbit." (Their speed was so slow they had to put it in terms of Kbps instead of Mbps so it looked larger. They call it their "X-large" package. We see what you did there. Like I said, trying to compensate...) I was curious why Greenland would be so expensive. With countries like Kenya (USD $57.01/Mbps) and Nepal (USD $29.92/Mbps), it is logical prices would be somewhat high. But Greenland? Is it because you have to dig into all that ice to lay the cable? Curious, I did some checking. Ah, here it is, straight from Wikipedia: "Greenland has, by law, only one service provider for telecommunications and the Internet, TELE Greenland, which is fully owned by the Greenlandic Home Rule government." Well that explains it.
Biggest surprise: With twice as many people online as the entire US population, China ranks #80 in terms of value (100 Mbps at USD $4.57). Overall, China appears to be paying an awful price given the sheer volume of users. Hypothetically, basic supply and demand theory suggests price is driven down as demand goes up (because more suppliers should enter the market to gain the increased revenues). Yet, that doesn't appear to happen in China relative to the rest of the world. I can only assume it has something to do with the Great Firewall of China. Of course, this doesn't take into account Hong Kong, which made it into the top 10, earning a very respectable #7 (1,000 Mbps at USD $0.08/Mbps). The Brits ought to go back and visit Hong Kong to learn a few things about Internet value. And to think it was only 1 year ago that Hong Kong was hitting the fastest peak speed of 54 Mbps.
The Blah: Which leaves us with #46. Almost smack-dab in the middle is the US at an unimpressive USD $0.86/Mbps. Sure, it's slightly better than the UK at #48, but come on! This is the first country to put people on the Moon, yet they can't manage higher speeds at lower rates? You call that technology prowess? Pfft. Where are the freakin' rocket scientists when you need them? Russia (USD $0.24/Mbps) may not beat us in hockey, but they sure kick our butts in the long game.
A few disclaimers: Obviously, the data cannot be used in a strict apples-to-apples comparison, as there are many other factors that come into play with the various offerings. For example, some Internet services appeared to only come bundled with other services (i.e., it didn't appear you could purchase stand-alone Internet). External costs, special initial discounts, requirements, and limits (e.g., modem rentals, taxes, installation, length of service contract, monthly data caps) were not considered, nor where upload speeds, but are all certainly factors when evaluating total cost of ownership. Somewhat random companies were picked from these incredibly large geographies. Thus, depending on your location, these rates and speeds might not be available, or you might be able to do better. Directionally, however, the data seems to support the conclusions. You will be the judge. Please let me know of any wild discrepancies in your local area.
Postscript: It appears I am unable to upload the spreadsheet to this site. Instead, I've pasted the tables and the .csv below, which you can easily import into a spreadsheet.
Rank | Geography | ISP | Download Speed (Mbps) | Local Currency | Price (Local) | Exchange Rate | Price (USD) | Cost per Mbps (USD) |
1 | Romania | http://www.rcs-rds.ro | 1,000 | RON | 59.00 | 3.2849 | $17.96 | $0.02 |
2 | Japan | http://www.so-net.ne.jp | 2,000 | JPY | 4,743.00 | 102.5100 | $46.27 | $0.02 |
3 | Jamaica | http://www.centurylink.com | 10 | JMD | 39.95 | 108.8100 | $0.37 | $0.04 |
4 | Singapore | https://secure.myrepublic.com.sg | 1,000 | SGD | 49.99 | 1.2687 | $39.40 | $0.04 |
5 | Republic of Moldova | http://www.starnet.md | 200 | MDL | 200.00 | 13.7400 | $14.56 | $0.07 |
6 | Sweden | http://www.bredbandsbolaget.se | 1,000 | SEK | 479.00 | 6.5320 | $73.33 | $0.07 |
7 | Hong Kong | http://www.netvigator.com | 1,000 | HKD | 598.00 | 7.7557 | $77.10 | $0.08 |
8 | Lithuania | https://www.teo.lt | 300 | LTL | 69.90 | 2.5493 | $27.42 | $0.09 |
9 | Latvia | http://lattelecom.lv | 400 | EUR | 28.89 | 0.7281 | $39.68 | $0.10 |
10 | Hungary | http://www.upc.hu | 240 | HUF | 8,290.00 | 226.1630 | $36.65 | $0.15 |
11 | Czech Republic | http://www.upc.cz | 240 | CZK | 929.00 | 19.9341 | $46.60 | $0.19 |
12 | Belgium | http://offres.numericable.fr | 200 | EUR | 29.90 | 0.7281 | $41.07 | $0.21 |
13 | Luxembourg | https://www.post.lu | 1,000 | EUR | 149.99 | 0.7281 | $206.00 | $0.21 |
14 | Taiwan | http://www.cht.com.tw | 100 | TWD | 700.00 | 30.4002 | $23.03 | $0.23 |
15 | Slovakia | http://www.upc.sk | 150 | EUR | 25.90 | 0.7281 | $35.57 | $0.24 |
16 | Russia | http://moskva.beeline.ru | 100 | RUB | 865.00 | 35.5037 | $24.36 | $0.24 |
17 | Finland | http://www.sonera.fi | 150 | EUR | 29.90 | 0.7281 | $41.07 | $0.27 |
18 | France | http://www.orange.fr | 200 | EUR | 39.90 | 0.7281 | $54.80 | $0.27 |
19 | Germany | http://www.telekom.de | 200 | EUR | 39.95 | 0.7281 | $54.87 | $0.27 |
20 | Bulgaria | http://www.mtel.bg | 100 | BGN | 39.90 | 1.4292 | $27.92 | $0.28 |
21 | Poland | http://www.orange.pl | 80 | PLN | 69.00 | 3.0785 | $22.41 | $0.28 |
22 | South Korea | http://www.skbroadband.com | 100 | KRW | 32,010.00 | 1,074.1100 | $29.80 | $0.30 |
23 | Estonia | https://www.elion.ee | 100 | EUR | 24.00 | 0.7281 | $32.96 | $0.33 |
24 | Ireland | http://www.upc.ie | 200 | EUR | 52.00 | 0.7281 | $71.42 | $0.36 |
25 | Mexico | http://www.axtel.mx | 200 | MXN | 999.00 | 13.2678 | $75.30 | $0.38 |
26 | Iceland | http://www.siminn.is | 200 | ISK | 8,690.00 | 113.8700 | $76.32 | $0.38 |
27 | Macau | https://www.ctm.net/cportal | 100 | MOP | 318.00 | 8.1141 | $39.19 | $0.39 |
28 | Israel | http://www.hot.net.il | 100 | ILS | 139.00 | 3.5127 | $39.57 | $0.40 |
29 | Switzerland | http://www.upc-cablecom.ch | 250 | CHF | 89.00 | 0.8884 | $100.18 | $0.40 |
30 | Spain | http://www.movistar.es | 100 | EUR | 29.90 | 0.7281 | $41.07 | $0.41 |
31 | Canada | https://www.shaw.ca | 250 | CAD | 120.00 | 1.1119 | $107.92 | $0.43 |
32 | Turkey | http://www.ttnet.com.tr | 1,000 | TRY | 1,103.00 | 2.1806 | $505.82 | $0.51 |
33 | Andorra | http://www.andorratelecom.ad | 100 | EUR | 39.00 | 0.7281 | $53.56 | $0.54 |
34 | Italy | http://www.telecomitalia.it | 100 | EUR | 39.00 | 0.7281 | $53.56 | $0.54 |
35 | Netherlands | https://www.ziggo.nl | 150 | EUR | 58.95 | 0.7281 | $80.96 | $0.54 |
36 | Brazil | http://www.vivofibra.com.br | 100 | BRL | 129.80 | 2.3506 | $55.22 | $0.55 |
37 | Georgia | http://www.co.ge | 100 | GEL | 100.00 | 1.7387 | $57.51 | $0.58 |
38 | Uruguay | http://www.antel.com.uy | 120 | UYU | 1,590.00 | 22.8620 | $69.55 | $0.58 |
39 | Portugal | http://meo.pt | 200 | EUR | 86.99 | 0.7281 | $119.48 | $0.60 |
40 | Aland Islands | http://www.alcom.ax | 100 | EUR | 47.70 | 0.7281 | $65.51 | $0.66 |
41 | Greece | http://www.forthnet.gr | 50 | EUR | 25.00 | 0.7281 | $34.34 | $0.69 |
42 | Ukraine | http://www.ukrtelecom.ua | 20 | UAH | 130.00 | 9.0301 | $14.40 | $0.72 |
43 | Serbia | http://www.sbb.rs | 120 | RSD | 7,690.00 | 84.8050 | $90.68 | $0.76 |
44 | Amsterdam | https://www.kpn.com | 80 | EUR | 46.50 | 0.7281 | $63.86 | $0.80 |
45 | Austria | https://www.a1.net | 30 | EUR | 17.90 | 0.7281 | $24.58 | $0.82 |
46 | United States | http://www.comcast.com | 105 | USD | 89.99 | 1.0000 | $89.99 | $0.86 |
47 | Liechtenstein | http://fl1.li | 20 | CHF | 15.00 | 0.8884 | $16.88 | $0.87 |
48 | United Kingdom | http://www.bt.com | 76 | GBP | 41.99 | 0.6019 | $69.76 | $0.92 |
49 | India | http://microsites.tatacommunications.com | 100 | INR | 6,000.00 | 61.9520 | $96.85 | $0.97 |
50 | Saudi Arabia | http://www.stc.com.sa | 200 | SAR | 799.00 | 3.7511 | $213.00 | $1.07 |
51 | Chile | http://vtr.com | 120 | CLP | 71,990.00 | 555.3000 | $129.64 | $1.08 |
52 | Malta | http://www.melita.com | 100 | EUR | 80.00 | 0.7281 | $109.88 | $1.10 |
53 | San Marino | http://www.telecomitalia.sm | 20 | EUR | 16.65 | 0.7281 | $22.87 | $1.14 |
54 | New Zealand | http://www.slingshot.co.nz | 100 | NZD | 139.00 | 1.2095 | $114.92 | $1.15 |
55 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | http://www.bhtelecom.ba | 50 | BAM | 93.60 | 1.4237 | $65.74 | $1.31 |
56 | Denmark | http://tdc.dk/ | 40 | DKK | 289.00 | 5.4326 | $53.20 | $1.33 |
57 | Vietnam | http://vietteltelecom.vn | 12 | VND | 350,000.00 | 21,345.0000 | $16.40 | $1.37 |
58 | Madagascar | http://www.telma.mg | 100 | MGA | 329,000.00 | 2,357.5000 | $139.55 | $1.40 |
59 | Bahamas | http://www.cablebahamas.com | 50 | BSD | 70.70 | 1.0076 | $70.17 | $1.40 |
60 | Isle of Man | http://www.manxtelecom.com | 40 | GBP | 36.45 | 0.6019 | $60.56 | $1.51 |
61 | Slovenia | http://www.telekom.si | 100 | EUR | 115.90 | 0.7281 | $159.18 | $1.59 |
62 | Argentina | http://venta.arnet.com.ar | 15 | ARS | 200.00 | 7.8551 | $25.46 | $1.70 |
63 | Qatar | http://www.ooredoo.qa | 100 | QAR | 650.00 | 3.6434 | $178.40 | $1.78 |
64 | Fiji | http://www.connect.com.fj | 10 | FJD | 35.00 | 1.8811 | $18.61 | $1.86 |
65 | United Arab Emirates | http://www.du.ae | 100 | AED | 750.00 | 3.6740 | $204.14 | $2.04 |
66 | Norway | https://www.telenor.no | 40 | NOK | 499.00 | 6.0826 | $82.04 | $2.05 |
67 | Cayman Islands | http://www.lime.com | 105 | KYD | 200.00 | 0.8459 | $236.43 | $2.25 |
68 | Croatia | https://www.hrvatskitelekom.hr | 20 | HRK | 264.23 | 5.5785 | $47.37 | $2.37 |
69 | Puerto Rico | http://contenidos.clarotodo.com | 50 | USD | 129.99 | 1.0000 | $129.99 | $2.60 |
70 | Saint Martin | http://www.dauphintelecom.fr | 20 | EUR | 37.90 | 0.7281 | $52.05 | $2.60 |
71 | Australia | https://www.tpg.com.au | 20 | AUD | 59.99 | 1.1148 | $53.81 | $2.69 |
72 | Morocco | http://www.iam.ma | 20 | MAD | 499.00 | 8.3908 | $59.47 | $2.97 |
73 | Panama | http://www.cwpanama.com | 25 | PAB | 79.95 | 1.0210 | $78.31 | $3.13 |
74 | Peru | http://www.movistar.com.pe | 8 | PEN | 79.00 | 2.8619 | $27.60 | $3.45 |
75 | Cyprus | https://www.cyta.com.cy | 32 | EUR | 84.89 | 0.7281 | $116.59 | $3.64 |
76 | Malaysia | http://tmshop.tm.com.my | 20 | MYR | 249.00 | 3.2967 | $75.53 | $3.78 |
77 | Jersey | http://www.jtglobal.com | 20 | GBP | 49.99 | 0.6019 | $83.05 | $4.15 |
78 | Philippines | http://pldthome.com | 100 | PHP | 20,000.00 | 44.6777 | $447.65 | $4.48 |
79 | South Africa | http://www.nexus.co.za | 10 | ZAR | 499.00 | 10.9494 | $45.57 | $4.56 |
80 | China | http://sh.189.cn | 100 | CNY | 2,800.00 | 6.1260 | $457.07 | $4.57 |
81 | Lesotho | http://www.etl.co.ls | 15 | LSL | 950.00 | 10.9494 | $86.76 | $5.78 |
82 | Bermuda | https://www.logic.bm | 25 | BMD | 149.95 | 1.0000 | $149.95 | $6.00 |
83 | Pakistan | http://www.ptcl.com.pk | 16 | PKR | 11,000.00 | 105.8400 | $103.93 | $6.50 |
84 | Dominican Republic | http://www.tricom.net | 100 | DOP | 28,500.00 | 43.5020 | $655.14 | $6.55 |
85 | Egypt | http://www.telecomegypt.com.eg | 24 | EGP | 1,250.00 | 7.0534 | $177.22 | $7.38 |
86 | Colombia | http://hogares.etb.com.co | 10 | COP | 162,740.00 | 2,045.5000 | $79.56 | $7.96 |
87 | Ecuador | http://www.etapa.net.ec | 10 | USD | 78.00 | 1.0000 | $78.00 | $7.96 |
88 | Montenegro | http://www.telekom.me | 7 | EUR | 45.76 | 0.7281 | $62.85 | $8.98 |
89 | Brunei Darussalam | https://www.telbru.com.bn | 30 | BND | 465.00 | 1.2817 | $362.80 | $12.09 |
90 | Oman | http://www.nawras.om | 5 | OMR | 24.00 | 0.3861 | $62.16 | $12.43 |
91 | Lebanon | http://www.cyberia.net.lb | 8 | USD | 113.99 | 1.0000 | $113.99 | $14.25 |
92 | Thailand | http://www.3bb.co.th | 100 | THB | 48,300.00 | 32.6110 | $1,481.10 | $14.81 |
93 | Kuwait | http://www.qualitynet.net | 24 | KWD | 112.00 | 0.2825 | $396.46 | $16.52 |
94 | Virgin Islands, British | http://www.lime.com/vg | 8 | USD | 148.00 | 1.0000 | $148.00 | $18.50 |
95 | Mauritius | http://www.bees.mu | 10 | MUR | 5,819.00 | 31.3600 | $185.55 | $18.56 |
96 | Barbados | http://www.freemotion.bb/ | 10 | BBD | 399.00 | 1.9916 | $200.34 | $20.03 |
97 | Nepal | http://www.worldlink.com.np | 1 | NPR | 3,000.00 | 100.2600 | $29.92 | $29.92 |
98 | Kenya | http://www.orange.co.ke | 2 | KES | 9,999.00 | 87.7000 | $114.01 | $57.01 |
99 | Greenland | http://www.tele.gl | 8 | DKK | 2,999.00 | 5.4326 | $552.04 | $69.00 |
Average: | $4.36 |
Data in .csv format
Rank,Geography,ISP,"Download Speed (Mbps)","Local Currency","Price (Local)",Exchange Rate,"Price (USD)","Cost per Mbps(USD)",,,,,,,,
5,Republic of Moldova,http://www.starnet.md,200,MDL,200.00,13.7400,$14.56,$0.07
7,Hong Kong,http://www.netvigator.com,"1,000",HKD,598.00,7.7557,$77.10,$0.08
11,Czech Republic,http://www.upc.cz,240,CZK,929.00,19.9341,$46.60,$0.19
22,South Korea,http://www.skbroadband.com,100,KRW,"32,010.00","1,074.1100",$29.80,$0.30
40,Aland Islands,http://www.alcom.ax,100,EUR,47.70,0.7281,$65.51,$0.66
46,United States,http://www.comcast.com,105,USD,89.99,1.0000,$89.99,$0.86
48,United Kingdom,http://www.bt.com,76,GBP,41.99,0.6019,$69.76,$0.92
50,Saudi Arabia,http://www.stc.com.sa,200,SAR,799.00,3.7511,$213.00,$1.07
53,San Marino,http://www.telecomitalia.sm,20,EUR,16.65,0.7281,$22.87,$1.14
54,New Zealand,http://www.slingshot.co.nz,100,NZD,139.00,1.2095,$114.92,$1.15
55,Bosnia and Herzegovina,http://www.bhtelecom.ba,50,BAM,93.60,1.4237,$65.74,$1.31
60,Isle of Man,http://www.manxtelecom.com,40,GBP,36.45,0.6019,$60.56,$1.51
62,Argentina,http://venta.arnet.com.ar,15,ARS ,200.00,7.8551,$25.46,$1.70
65,United Arab Emirates,http://www.du.ae,100,AED,750.00,3.6740,$204.14,$2.04
67,Cayman Islands,http://www.lime.com,105,KYD,200.00,0.8459,$236.43,$2.25
69,Puerto Rico,http://contenidos.clarotodo.com,50,USD,129.99,1.0000,$129.99,$2.60
70,Saint Martin,http://www.dauphintelecom.fr,20,EUR,37.90,0.7281,$52.05,$2.60
79,South Africa,http://www.nexus.co.za,10,ZAR,499.00,10.9494,$45.57,$4.56
84,Dominican Republic,http://www.tricom.net,100,DOP,"28,500.00",43.5020,$655.14,$6.55
89,Brunei Darussalam,https://www.telbru.com.bn,30,BND,465.00,1.2817,$362.80,$12.09
94,"Virgin Islands, British",http://www.lime.com/vg,8,USD,148.00,1.0000,$148.00,$18.50

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According to toaster60:
That effectively makes South Africa USD $6.01/Mbps.
According to Niall_:
Perspective from mihai2me:
from frostN0VA:
From IAMA-Fox-AMA:
From chumppi regarding Finland:
From Povertjes:
While I appreciate the effort of listing prices along most of the worlds' countries, mentioning Amsterdam apart from the Netherlands kinda bugs me. A lot. What are you trying to refer to? The Amsterdam Republic inside the Democratic State of the Netherlands? That's like saying Washington State is the capital of Manhattan. I mean, come on. Do your homework.
Ah, yes. I received that question elsewhere. My sarcastic answer was "Because I dig Amsterdam. The beer is awesome, and those canals..." The factual answer, though, is that I first started my research looking at multiple localities within a larger region, expecting (and knowing full-well) there were going to be large differences in speed and cost. After many hours, I realized I was spending far too much time documenting a particular region and not enough time on a more global scale. So I switched to only documenting one data point in a geography, no matter how large that geography was. I also removed (or thought I had) all the other (redundant) data points. After doing a bunch of sorts and some minimal data validation, I moved onto writing the article.
In other words, Amsterdam (which, I might add, is the only place in the world where I've ever left a casino with more money than with which I entered), was an extra data point I forgot to remove as I had already found a cheaper, higher speed option in the Netherlands. Ooops, I made a mistake. That's all.
Apologies it got on your nerves. I meant what I said though: I really did enjoy the beer (even though I know it wasn't your beer). The Tripel sure was good. Got to hand it to those monks. And the canals really are lovely.
Edit: Also, I expected more windmills. Growing up in the states, the stories you learn about Holland always include lots of windmills and wooden shoes.
From the chart, it looks like Germany's in 19th place - not 16th.