I've cut down significantly on my daily sugar intake (with the rare exception of a double-slice of carrot cake every so often; and I never have more than 15 Jelly Bellys a day). That, in combin...
editorial posted by
in Clarisse88
I notice when other women behave in inappropriate ways and with a lack of dignity. As a woman, I know why they do it: to achieve popularity or gain attention from men. The way us ladies dress reflect...
Odd. How else can you possibly describe romantic relationships that completely exist virtually in an online fantasy world?
SecondLife (SL) is a virtual environment where people socialize a...
editorial posted by
in SuggestionBox
Since I'm still relatively new to ValME, a suggestion would be to make more of a distinction between private messages in the inbox and what is actually posted/visible on the actual original post. Th...
Each My Safe account gives you three 1-year codes for a Virtual Private Network (VPN); you can stack as many as your wish or use on various devices.
Make a free account at f-secure safe (https:...
Submitted on reddit 4 years ago but timeless nonetheless. Get ready for the perfect evening.
Good evening gentleman/ladies.
Get out your drink of choice.
open 3 tabs on your favorite bro...
Cook County (Illinois) Sheriff Tom Dart wrote in letters to Visa and MasterCard that it is “increasingly indefensible for any corporation to continue to willfully play a central role in an...
Learn how to burn fat and build muscle naturally, backed up by science. The one-stop resource for nutrition and exercise information.
So I read something this morning that made my inner creative writer scream "YES" while trying not to spill my coffee or think about this daunting assay that's calling my name. I'm not going to re-wr...
by Jason Stotts
Summary: Our language related to sex must be expanded to capture all of the variations that we see in real life. And we need to understand this because sex is good and a valua...
Georgia is said to weigh close to 60 stones and medics and emergency services were needed to move her.
And those guidelines apply not only when the alleged victim may have been incapacitated by drink or drugs but when she has mental health problems or the accused held some sort of position of power....
Text VALPAK to 727272 (expires Feb 28, 2019)
No other codes currently available. Check back often as I will update whenever Redbox provides new ones.
The following codes may not work in all cit...
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