I've cut down significantly on my daily sugar intake (with the rare exception of a double-slice of carrot cake every so often; and I never have more than 15 Jelly Bellys a day). That, in combination with an increase of protein-rich foods (including protein bars and protein shakes on workout days) and more veggies, has left me in desperate need to go shopping for new clothes. Except for my jeans from 10+ years ago, none of my pants fit. They are overflowing with extra material. I've even punctured additional holes in my belts.
Now if I only had a girlfriend who would pick out some clothes for me (death to shopping!). Guys just haven't any taste when it comes to clothes. (Alright, alright - THIS guy hasn't any taste when it comes to clothes.)
Amazingly (to me, at least), my body is now very close to the way it looked (and weighed) when I was an undergrad, which was more years ago than I'm willing to admit. My workouts always included ab exercises, but never like these. Those in this Ab Ripper X video (part of the P90X extreme home exercise program) sorely kicked (and continues to kick) my butt. I highly recommend them, especially when you need to give your eyes a quick, 15-minute break from coding. :)
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Pics or it didn't happen.
A selfie? That is so not gonna happen.
Why not? before and after pictures!
I'm shy? :)
Love the new upvote/downvote buttons. 1 just for those.
Of course, if the abs video above doesn't work for you, there's always this:
hahahahahah omg!!!! #everythingisterrible
Leave this video here.
I cringed with every hit.
/u/c_prompt you need to see this...
That might be my first downvote ever.
How's that for a workout encouragement... lol