Keeping Reddit free of racism, sexism and spam comes with a mental health risk. We spoke with 10 Reddit moderators about the abuse they face and lack of support from Reddit.
This article provides an overview and introduction to calculus. It's intended for general readers, nonspecialists, and shows the topic's key concepts in a transparent, approachable way.
The arti...
Nominations are now open for the second MIT Media Lab Disobedience Award, which carries a $250,000 cash prize, no strings attached.
This award will go to a person or group engaged in what we...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
As proud supporters of Creative Commons, we were encouraged to see so many websites effectively shut down or "go dark" on January 18, 2012 in protest of the tyrannical SOPA/PIPA bills that the US gov...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Throughout history, machines, tools, devices, etc. have become smaller. But not until recently have we been able to see down to the lowest level - to that of the nano. With electron microscopes, nano...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
As many mourn the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs, they use words such as visionary, brilliant, innovative, leader, entrepreneur, capitalist, and philanthropic to describe him. Many aren't aware th...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Just when you thought you understood how the world works, the tachyons come to shake things up.
For those who haven't heard by now, the masterminds at CERN who brought you the LHC rap have made wh...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
No significant intellectualism here in this video. Just an older couple learning how to use a computer to make you feel good.
May we all be as happy as they are at this age.
What's your experie...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned the first PC virus was called "brain" and was written in DOS only 25 years ago in 1986. The creators of the virus even gave their address. How did it move from PC to PC? Floppy disks...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that there is a "paper" in production that can be erased and reused 260 times and currently costs about $2.00/sheet. (And we all know that, just like with any technology, that price w...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
From the "you can't make this shit up" files...
Statists have plenty of bad ideas: going to war for oil, setting up regulatory agencies that don't do their jobs, molesting people in the name of se...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned about Pale Moon - an optimized version of Firefox that is much faster than Firefox and optimized specifically for Windows.
Not only is it much faster than Firefox (perhaps even by...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that you can run a diesel engine car on waste vegetable oil (e.g., oil that's been used to cook). It is less harmful to the environment, less toxic to people and animals, and runs abo...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
From a WoW forum:
Original post: "So many trolls be trolling....thugs be thugging....haters be hating.... I love everyone on this server Spread the love."
Reply post: "Homo."
Sarcasm aside,...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
When it comes to protecting civil liberties, it just keeps getting worse. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is now testing what it calls Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST). It i...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned the power of the scroll wheel in Firefox. You can use it to close tabs (click the scroll wheel on a tab), open hyperlinks in new pages (click the scroll wheel on a link), scroll throu...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
When I was much younger, I told my father I believed I would live forever. He asked how that would happen and gently reminded me that we all die sooner or later. I explained that I believed we would...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned about the Ig Noble prizes, which "honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative -...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
For those of you who aren't familiar with it, StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that shows you random web pages based upon categories that you like. It learns very quickly what you like and don't lik...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
"Gamers are super-empowered hopeful individuals." They are masters at figuring things out, even medical problems. So who wants to use gaming to change the world?
There are many problems to address...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Recently, Harvard University had a panel discussing the legacy of the Human Genome Project. Started in 1990, and with scientists from six countries and initial funding of $3 billion, the project publ...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Put on your tinfoil hats for this one. We recently saw that a country's government can easily and quickly shut down the internet. In a classic rope-a-dope, as Hillary Clinton babbles propaganda about...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that Hong Kong gets 1 Gbps broadband service for $26 a month while the FCC tries to LEGISLATE an "ambitious" goal of 100Mbs. Perhaps it's time to get rid of the wankers at the FCC? (I...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
The folks at the Venus Project and the larger Zeitgeist movement think society has many problems, and they are concerned. Hard to disagree. When a doctor is trying to cure what ails you, he'll typica...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
You've just got to love science... one of the great things about science fiction is how quickly it becomes non-fiction. Putting aside the potential for Skynet or I, Robot, imagine for a moment artifi...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Talk about "mind=blown." Imagine a world where you can manipulate objects solely with your mind. It's here, it's now, and it's incredible. Consider every industry. Consider every skill. Consider ever...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
In his famous treatise On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau argued that individuals can promote justice by disobeying the law. History is replete with examples of civil disobedience...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that AT&T will send you a free microcell/femtocell (and maybe even a free phone) for use in your home if you can't get a good signal for your mobile phone. Submitted by one of our...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned how to increase the wireless signal of my router. Say goodbye to your wireless signal dropping!
8. Make a Reflector with Tinfoil. Note that a tinfoil router may boost you...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Governments love to pander equality and anti-discrimination laws (well, granted - they were for discrimination before they were against it). Their latest villain? The Internet Service Providers (ISP)...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Wait - you're upset because the government promised you something and then did the exact opposite? This is government's modus operandi - why all the fuss? Look, just vote for the other party next tim...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a process of stimulating the brain with magnetic fields that changes/disrupts the way the neurons work. Is it possible to use TMS to unlock "hidden" cogniti...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
In his prophetic novel 1984, George Orwell described a facecrime: "It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smalles...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Technology is so grand. With the research from this experiment, we might finally be able to replace the lowest form of humans - politicians - with robots. After all, if you can teach robots to lie, t...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
What does it mean to be human? Transhumanists want to use technology to enhance the human body. What are the ethical considerations for enhancing human biology with technology? Are we less human with...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Nuclear energy was discovered in the context of war (specifically World War II). In the 1950s, the US Air Force tried to come up with an idea of putting a nuclear reactor on an airplane to keep it ru...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Are we giving children too much structure when attempting to educate them? Would children improve their ability to think if we gave them a few tools and let them self-organize with minimal adult supe...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
If you're really concerned about future generations, shouldn't there be other, more important priorities that one would be focused on instead of building a "doomsday ark" on the moon? Is this really...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Is this a brilliant idea that will make the world a better place to live, or a disaster waiting to happen? Can someone loan me $200,000? Come on - you know you want one! Everyone sing with me! Chitty...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Is there any circumstance in which the government should be a gate-keeper of information? What are the benefits of holding back information vs. letting information flow freely?
FTA: "In a recent c...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Why is the US government trying to pass a law that creates a "kill switch" to shut down the Internet at its whim? What are they preparing for? What is it that is about to happen?
FTA: "A new U.S....
editorial posted by
in braincrave
FTA: " company or person has the right to tell you that you may not do what you like with your own property. Let us say that you bought a hammer. The hammer is clearly designed for hitting nails...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Wow - this is a great win (though I expect it will never make it through the appeal process).
File-Sharing and Link Sites Declared Legal in Spain
FTA: "After early calls to shut down a Spanish...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
How to reboot your corpse
* The idea is to freeze legally dead people in liquid nitrogen in the hope of regenerating them at some future date.
* Nanorobots that can repair the...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
People continue to be laid-off from their jobs. Automation is increasing. Things made by hand are decreasing. The costs to produce (copy) some items is very close to zero (e.g., music and books)....
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Some simple mechanisms explained... pretty cool
Original posting by Braincrave Second Life staff on Jan 16, 2010 at
editorial posted by
in braincrave
What do you all think about the development of the transhumanism movement? I am shocked to say that the reason the unibomber did what he did was to wake up the masses to this kind of technological de...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Assuming this is all true (which I haven't confirmed), what are the implications?
Did You Know? (5-minute video)
That is certainly mammoth amount of change in a short period of time.
I especially liked a few of the ideas around hiring and interviewing:
When hiring candidates, ask for their operating manual. Tell candidates: “Imagine you're a robot. What does your manual s...
In a "major step" toward practical quantum networking, researchers at the University of Calgary have successfully demonstrated the teleportation of a light particle's properties between their lab...
The Bimek SLV regulates the flow of sperm cells in the spermatic ducts and does not require additional hormones or medication.
Each My Safe account gives you three 1-year codes for a Virtual Private Network (VPN); you can stack as many as your wish or use on various devices.
Make a free account at f-secure safe (https:...
This paper introduces Google Votes, an experiment in liquid democracy built on Google's internal corporate Google social network. Liquid democracy decision-making systems can scale to cov...
Steve, I'd post a comment welcoming you back to reddit if I was still a member. I'm not. My account was shadowbanned long ago (an account, by the way, which purchased $50 in ineffective reddit advert...
The Cold Case of the death of a hot reporter. Was there more to it than a tragic accident? And why did the media not look into this affair, given the kinds of things Hastings was investigating, and t...
The June Intelligent Oven is a powerful and easy-to-use computer-based oven that makes everyone a better cook. Like cruise control on your car, June continually calculates the power needed to maintain...
Count the number of alkaline batteries in your house. Now consider replacing those batteries eight times less often. If Batteriser delivers, it could be a game changer.
Bob Roohparvar tells...
Today, joins Fight for the Future with its efforts to end mass surveillance.
Congress: this is a blackout. We are blocking your access until you end mass surveillance laws.
You have...
“The statue pays homage to three who said no to war, to the lies that lead to war and to the intrusion into private life that helps to perpetuate war,” said Dormino, the artworks creator.
editorial posted by
in GettingStarted
I'm very excited to announce valME just rolled out some major enhancements. If you run a blog or forum elsewhere and pay $60 annually, check out what we can now offer:
Custom domains, including...
I am an enormously self-critical person. If I'm going out to a party, or having dinner, or even just giving a presentation, I'm constantly playing back my speech and my actions in my head to see wher...
As a result of their activism, Ai Weiwei, Jacob Appelbaum, and Laura Poitras have become three of the most justifiably paranoid people in the world. Long live Tor.
How Dell Glover, an employee at a CD-manufacturing plant, became the Patient Zero of Internet piracy.
I am absolutely getting this setup. THIS is what I consider food porn:
Stirring, adjusting the temperature, pouring and adding ingredients are all basic skills for a chef but they’re slightly...
A test that uses gold nanoparticles to detect early-stage prostate cancer costs less than $1, returns results in minutes and is more accurate than standard PSA screening, pilot studies show. The new t...
List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display Tracking Dots
(Added 2015) Some of the documents that we previously received through FOIA suggested that all major manufacturers of color las...
Glenn Greenwald was one of the first reporters to see -- and write about -- the Edward Snowden files, with their revelations about the United States' extensive surveillance of private citizens. In thi...
Citizenfour is a 2014 award-winning documentary film directed by Laura Poitras concerning Edward Snowden and the NSA spying scandal:
CITIZENFOUR, Laura Poitras' riveting documentary ab...
I agree with the HuffPo: Britney Spears' isolated vocal track hurts to hear. I still love the music and think she's a talented performer, but this is disappointing and does take-away some of t...
Ten years ago, scientists discovered that some people are naturally missing working copies of a gene known as PCSK9. The consequences of the mutation were extraordinary. These people, including a T...
Last week Larry Page, the CEO of one of the largest corporations in the world, and possibly one of the most powerful people on the planet, released an interview with the Financial Times endorsing m...
Bryan Johnson is an entrepreneur extraordinaire. To put it mildly, he's brilliant and an inspiration in so many ways. I recently read his Rewrite the OS, Change the World: A challenge worthy of the g...
I’d enter college as a biology major with the ambition of becoming a doctor. But ‘being a doctor’ in my head went something like this: I‘d graduate med school, hire a bunch...
So much brouhaha over Facebook acquiring a game manufacturer. It's a great reminder of where the revenues from your ad clicks and no-longer-private data are being spent. More fun and games. Mor...
I love this subject, and this is a useful introductory video by the British Institute of Posthuman Studies if you're unfamiliar with transhumanism. It discusses super longevity, super intelligence...
Click for more
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