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When you promise fresh, ethically grown and sourced food to the masses, your supply chain becomes more complex. And more complexity means more risk. As a formerly faithful customer of Chipotle, I adm...
We all have previously learned about the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918, which killed between 20-40 million people worldwide in our history classes. Now with the advance of modern molecular biology techn...
So I read something this morning that made my inner creative writer scream "YES" while trying not to spill my coffee or think about this daunting assay that's calling my name. I'm not going to re-wr...
Fourteen space travel posters of colorful, exotic space settings are now available free for downloading and printing. According to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's website:
Imagination is our windo...
As the new darling of the worldwide infectious disease family, Zika virus has emerged as one of the most talked-about public health issues currently. But where did it come from? Why has public knowle...
Thanks to a friend, play a silly Spot the Difference game online from Chipotle and earn a free guacamole & chips! No winning required. Equivalent to "hey, everyone gets a trophy today!" but.....fr...
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Since I'm still relatively new to ValME, a suggestion would be to make more of a distinction between private messages in the inbox and what is actually posted/visible on the actual original post. Th...
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