YouTube is now offering some movies for free.
Former President Obama has come under fire for what many have viewed as a hypocritical condemnation of President Trump during a Friday acceptance speech for his Ethics in Government award at the Un...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that AT&T will send you a free microcell/femtocell (and maybe even a free phone) for use in your home if you can't get a good signal for your mobile phone. Submitted by one of our...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Some of you like to read but just don't have the time. Have you ever considered books on mp3? There are so many freely available on the web. Here's a place for some good ones: http://www.learnoutloud...
Fourteen space travel posters of colorful, exotic space settings are now available free for downloading and printing. According to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's website:
Imagination is our windo...
Thanks to a friend, play a silly Spot the Difference game online from Chipotle and earn a free guacamole & chips! No winning required. Equivalent to "hey, everyone gets a trophy today!"
Al-Qeq, works for Saudi Arabia’s Almajd TV network and was arrested at his home in Ramallah on November 21st. In its statement, issued more than 60 days after he entered into his hunger strike,...
Feeding America is a network of food banks that feeds more than 46 million people. In 2005, four professors at the University of Chicago helped replace their centralized distribution system with an a...
By day’s end, it was over. Except not really. This one incident is over. But the reality that none of us really control our lives, that none of our property is really our own, that we all stand v...
FilePizza enables fast and private peer-to-peer file transfers in your web browser.
By using WebRTC, FilePizza eliminates the initial upload traditionally required when sharing files...
They're jealous, he says, they side with rulers, and they don't understand how markets work.
"Intellectuals have always disdained commerce" says Whole Foods Market co-founder John Mackey. T...
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If you've been considering starting a blog, now's a great time to do it! Additionally, if you take advantage of valME's custom domain support, we'll do all the technical setup for you for free!
I understand this quote is a bit of hubris, and I don't agree that these are the only two outcomes. I still like the quote and do agree that many people are terrified of freedom. People's fear of fr...
From their About page:
Our mission is to make gold accessible and useful in digital payments and secure savings.
We're advancing the digital payments revolution by helping people securely...
editorial posted by
in GettingStarted
I'm very excited to announce valME just rolled out some major enhancements. If you run a blog or forum elsewhere and pay $60 annually, check out what we can now offer:
Custom domains, including...
Self-proclaimed libertarian micro-state whose founder admires Nigel Farage welcomes its first citizens on Friday, with the first 100 arrivals to be granted honorary citizenship
List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display Tracking Dots
(Added 2015) Some of the documents that we previously received through FOIA suggested that all major manufacturers of color las...
I don’t believe in religious freedom.
Freedom should have nothing to do with one’s religious beliefs or lack thereof. The reason we intuitively have a concept like freedom is because we...
★ What is this site about?
It's about learning a new habit: Writing. Every. Day.
I've long been inspired by an idea I first learned about in The Artist's Way called morning pages. Morning ...
Huge number of free movies. List of all movies is here.
While the BitTorrent ecosystem is filled with uncertainty and doubt, researchers at Delft University of Technology have released the first version of their anonymous and decentralized BitTorrent ne...
Do you recall this memorable scene in the movie A Few Good Men? It appears Dick Cheney is now playing Jack Nicholson's character Colonel Jessep. The BBC's headline is "President George W...
Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all ver...
Title says it all. A sample of my writing: Just post what you've written into your own /journal community (for example, this is my journal commu...
From the article:
But the woman who interviewed me from "The Daily Show," one of the things she mentioned in that four-hour interview was that she was a socialist, a Marxist. Of course...
As a growing movement of unschoolers believe, a steady diet of standardized testing and indoor inactivity is choking the creativity right out of our kids. The alternative: set 'em free.
By Hans-Hermann Hoppe
June 23, 2014
In the most fundamental sense we are all, with each of our actions, always and invariably profit-seeking entrepreneurs.
Whenever we act, we employ some...
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