editorial posted by
in braincrave
Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ
Ha! Let the flame wars begin.
Original posting by Braincrave Second Life staff on Feb 27, 2010 at http://www.braincrave.com...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Making generalizations always comes with challenges. After all, just because a claim is oftentimes true doesn't make it fact in all cases. Although intellectual dishonesty abounds, I generally catego...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Thomas Jefferson warned that "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong." A high I.Q. does not necessarily transla...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Our Second Life intellectual discussion group is about bringing people together who like to think. We have wonderful discussions in group chat but, in an effort to constantly improve our discussions...
I was having a discussion with a friend the other day about online dating. She agreed there are some silly rules people have when it comes to initial messages and laughed at how we both break them (e...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
No doubt about it - we humans have a strong desire for sexual intercourse. It certainly makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, as the desire helps further humanity. But some are programmed for...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
When it comes to non-violent, ideological leaders, Mahatma Gandhi has got to be toward the very top of the list. His resistance to British tyranny through mass civil disobedience is famous. Needless...
John Perry Barlow (the author of this article) used to be a songwriter for the Grateful Dead and is a co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). It is as on-point today as it was when i...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Putting aside the debates as to whether or not social psychology is less rigorous because it is a soft science, or whether or not it is really science at all, how closely do our political choices mir...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Everyone's familiar with the expression "love at first sight." But is that really the way love works? According to a recent scientific study, the answer is yes. But what about romance? What about val...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Many have developed tests that attempt to gauge a person's intelligence. There are many high IQ societies that use these tests as membership criteria. However, as of yet, the "secret" of intelligence...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Considered the third, best-selling poet of all time, Khalil Gibran once said "Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death." Apathy is defined as having a lack of emotion, interest, or conce...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Braincrave.com has been highlighted as one of the top 10 Cool Things to Do in Second Life for intellectual discussions!
Of course, we're very honored and want to thank all of you who help us make...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Ayn Rand wrote that the process of thinking "is the process of defining identity and discovering causal connections." She claimed that thinking is a choice - not an automatic function - and she admon...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
"America's leading leftist intellectual" and MIT professor Noam Chomsky once remarked that "The U.S. is a leading terrorist state, as are its clients." He has said "that there is no War on Terror." H...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Do a search on the web and you'll find all sorts of criteria for what makes an effective leader. People can't even seem to agree on the definition of leadership. As a result, theories abound. But wha...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
People who practice BDSM are mostly educated, successful people coming from emotional stable families according to a large professional survey (BDSM/Fetish Demographics Survey). Even students at an a...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
H.L. Mencken is regarded as one of the most influential American writers and prose stylists of the first half of the 20th century. Among other interesting facts, he was against World War II and democ...
“One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely found in the same person.”
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Every act of communication - or non-communication - is a choice of influence. The essayist is confronted with a peculiar difficulty: he will have time to consider how he wants to influence others - w...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
A study at the University of North Carolina concludes that non-education majors who get just six weeks of education training are generally better teachers than those who get a full two years of educa...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
If you could trick your brain into perceiving an activity as pleasurable, thus activating dopamine receptors, could you enhance learning capacity? Do virtual simulations of people engaging in sex hav...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Ayn Rand warned us. She did it in her books such as Atlas Shrugged (and, to a certain extent, >The Fountainhead). She did it on TV such as in this famous interview between her and Mike Wallace on...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Is music lobotomizing the brains of youth? Is it purposefully making them "retarded in here?" And if you start singing Black Eyed Peas songs through the end of the day, it's not my fault.
FTA: "Ha...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that there are 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000 (approximately 1.70 x 10^29) ways to play the first ten moves in chess. (I also learned that there are "400 different possible ...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
The folks at the Venus Project and the larger Zeitgeist movement think society has many problems, and they are concerned. Hard to disagree. When a doctor is trying to cure what ails you, he'll typica...
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