editorial posted by
in braincrave
Politics destroys all things, it's latest casualty being scientific truth. When the global warming science fraud didn't work out, the propoganda artists changed the name to climate change. Here's a s...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore aren't going to be happy. Scientists are messing up their politics.
So it turns out that the only thing man-made about global warming is t...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
A fellow Braincraver wants to alert us, and we should take heed of his warning. He lives in Florida on the coast. Over this past month, his health has been deteriorating significantly. He's getting h...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes (aka who watches the watchmen)?
Called Colony Collapse Disorder, there is something killing honeybees. They are dying in "huge numbers." Scientists from the US Environ...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Contrary to what the United Nations does, Mother Earth doesn't have a conscience. She can't tell us which of her resources she wants us to save, which to take care of, and which to use. Ergo, how we...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Is this a brilliant idea that will make the world a better place to live, or a disaster waiting to happen? Can someone loan me $200,000? Come on - you know you want one! Everyone sing with me! Chitty...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that the sky isn't blue and the sun isn't yellow. The sky is actually black and the sun is white. It's only because we have an atmosphere (which is made of gas molecules and dust) tha...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that, despite the hype, bottled water typically isn't any cleaner or healthier than tap water, and often comes from the same public water supply that your tap water does. Having said...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
The government lied about the BP oil spill? (Tries to act surprised.) Is this kind of like when Bush claimed "mission accomplished" in Iraq (or Obama's recent second fake end to the Iraq war)? You've...
Chris Anderson, who runs TED Talks, calls Musk “the world’s most remarkable living entrepreneur.” Others know him as “the real life Iron Man,” and not for no reason—Jon Favreau actually...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Politics. Morality. Religion. Relationships. Even science. These are examples of the many categories in which you will find disagreements. These debates occur just as much with intelligent people as...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Is it proper for companies like BP to use prison labor - jobs without pay - to cleanup the oil spill? Are there any moral issues?
FTA: "In the first few days after BP's Deepwater Horizon wellhead...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Nuclear energy was discovered in the context of war (specifically World War II). In the 1950s, the US Air Force tried to come up with an idea of putting a nuclear reactor on an airplane to keep it ru...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
By now, I'm assuming that most all of you have heard of the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which is destroying marine life. (It started as a result of an oil rig explosion on April 20, 20...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
The oil catastrophe could have been averted were it not for the US government rejecting the help of people who know what to do in an oil spill and have the equipment for dealing with it. Why didn't t...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
You don't say? Hey Al Gore, what do you think?
FTA: "A cross examination of global warming science conducted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics has concluded tha...
A strange thing happens when you don’t trust the government. You take responsibility for your actions, instead of shirking your duty and handing off the burden to the collective.
A study by Corn...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Whether you're a moral relativist or absolutist, and based on whatever standards you choose, there are actions that you think are immoral. What is morally contemptible to you now might have been comm...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Over the last week, we've had a few discussions come up around how the government protects the environment. Though I didn't know it until I did some research, I wasn't surprised… FTA: "Who's the gr...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Today I learned that you can run a diesel engine car on waste vegetable oil (e.g., oil that's been used to cook). It is less harmful to the environment, less toxic to people and animals, and runs abo...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
In 2007, John Kanzius accidentally found a way to release and burn hydrogen from salt water with 13.56 MHz radio waves. Many people initially thought it was a hoax. Penn State professor Rustum Roy ve...
Count the number of alkaline batteries in your house. Now consider replacing those batteries eight times less often. If Batteriser delivers, it could be a game changer.
Bob Roohparvar tells...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
During the Spanish Inquisition, the Catholic Church authorized massive torture and violence against so-called "heretics" (non-conformists/non-believers). Although this history has been mocked by the...
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