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About libertarian

Free association. Freedom of the individual. This community is for both philosophical and political libertarians of all kinds. It is in no way aligned with the Libertarian Party. We are a community in which to discuss free markets and free societies with free minds. As such, we truly believe in spontaneous order and don't formally regulate content.
Types of Libertarianism:
- Agorism
- Anarcho-Capitalism
- GeoLibertarianism
- Libertarian Left
- Mutualism
- Market Anarchism
- Objectivism
- Voluntarism
Relevant websites:
Someone's Reading
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c_prompt posted "Someone That I Used to Know" in parenting
c_prompt flagged "Health Safety Environment Job Board" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Health Safety Environment Job Board" in removed
c_prompt posted "Ancestral Mathematics" in Note to Self
Mythusmage started community Mythusmage
c_prompt posted "How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented" in todayilearned
c_prompt flagged "Cryptocurrency Exchange List" in removed
c_prompt voted down "Cryptocurrency Exchange List" in removed
c_prompt commented on "Map maker, map maker, make me a map... make me a perfect map" in politics
dj_tranceriver started community dj_tranceriver
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