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Easy killer.
If you’ve read our FAQ on DMCA takedowns, you’ll see that we’re not happy to be in the middle of this dispute. In fact, we think most copyright laws are insane. The law requires us to do what we did, and we don’t want people with guns coming over to shut us down. The neighbors wouldn’t like that at all.
You should have received the contact information of the person who claimed the copyright infringement. If you haven’t reached out yet to that person, you should. In other words, please try to work it out.
If you’ve done that and still think you were wronged, we ask you to follow pretty much the same procedure as the claimant. You must include the following in your written communication for us to consider your counter-claim:
1 A copy, or the exact wording, of the takedown notice we forwarded to you (which should include all of the relevant URL, content information, claimant information, username, etc.)
2 We hate asking for it, but we must in this case: your contact information, which must include the following:
- Your full name
- Your physical mailing address
- Your email address
- Your phone number
3 The following two statements:
- "I have a good faith belief that that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled."
- "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate."
4 Your physical or electronic signature
Additionally, your counter-claim must meet the current statutory requirements imposed by the DMCA (see http://www.copyright.gov for details).
Send your email notice to copyright@valme.io or written notification via fax to:
Attn: DMCA takedown
Fax: (202) 919-4832
(As an aside, if you need help writing the communication, check out Chilling Effect's Counter-Notice Generator.)
As you might expect, we have to forward your counter-claim, including all of the information above, to the claimant. We give the claimant ten business days to respond. If they don’t, we will put the content back up, just as it was (not to mention send you our apologies). However, if the claimant sends us back a notice that they’ve filed a petition in court seeking to restrain the content or your actions (aka, a restraining order), we’ll have to leave the content removed until the court issues a judgment.
(Why can’t we all get along? Maybe it’s the lawyers’ faults.)
About FAQ
We’re not entirely sure it’s appropriate to call this the Frequently Asked Questions area as, candidly, we don’t keep track of how often these questions get asked. Consider this community as a place where we post answers to what we anticipate your questions will be. But, if our crystal ball is malfunctioning, feel free to post your question in /GettingStarted/Help. If we turn your question into an FAQ, we’ll credit you back the karma to post it. It’s the least we can do. We also welcome suggestions at /GettingStarted/SuggestionBox.
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