Home / valME.io - now with custom domains, including SSL/https support (and a bunch of other improvements while we were in the code). Take that WordPress and Tumblr!
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I'm very excited to announce valME just rolled out some major enhancements. If you run a blog or forum elsewhere and pay $60+ annually, check out what we can now offer:
- Custom domains, including SSL/https support: In the /mod/edit moderator function for any community you own (all new users get a free community), you will now see a Custom Domains section that allows you to use your own customized domain name (e.g., http://MyAmazingBlog.com) to point to your community. You can choose to show only content from within your community or across all (public) valME communities. Additionally, you have an option to redirect all traffic from your valME community to your custom domain. Because valME uses SSL to help protect our users, you must provide us with an SSL certificate if you want users to be able to log into your custom domain. Without an SSL certificate, users will only be able to view content (and if you designate your community as private & restricted but don't provide an SSL certificate, permitted users will not be able to view or contribute content to your community via your custom domain). Any new sub-communities started by users from your custom domain will automatically require a moderator's approval.
- Custom header and footer: Under the Look and Feel section of the /mod/edit moderator function for any community you moderate (with appropriate .css permissions), you now can add HTML to the header and footer (e.g., images, links, community messages). These headers and footers will appear on all community pages (e.g., posts, moderator functions). For those of you good with .css/style sheets, we encourage you to create themes that communities can use.
- Other enhancements: You'll notice a few other enhancements and bug fixes, like the ability to filter tags using the "best from" dropdown, adding a few Bootstrap templates to your editor to make it easier to format content, some additional HTML id attributes so you can better customize your community's look, and a few performance improvements.
As about 200 files were changed, it's possible a few things got messed up. If you notice any problems or have any feedback, please leave a comment below.
Remember: after your free community, starting an additional community is only 1,000 karma ($10). Why spend $60 - $100 annually on a hosting provider for your blog or forum when valME is only a fraction of the cost and doesn't require any technical knowledge to install, maintain, or upgrade software? If you know anyone who runs their own blog or forum, we hope you will encourage them to check us out. We'll help them convert all their content and setup their look-and-feel for free. Not only can we save them a ton of money, but they also get the added benefit of getting paid for value.
...After all, that's how we work. :)
Edit: If you want to get a sense of how it works and what can be done, check out https://valerofineart.com.
About GettingStarted
We're really not that complicated. (At least that's what we tell those we date.) But, if you're new to social media, social network, content management, blogs, or just don't get it, we're here to help. (And if you are new to any of those, where have you been hiding for the last 15 years? Maybe in a Y2K shelter?)
If the search button is your best friend, you really need to get a life. However, we won't discount how useful our buddy in the upper-right corner can be. (We find stroking his ego gets us better results.) So we'd suggest searching for answers first. But, if your question remains unanswered, let us suggest a few places to inquire:
- /GettingStarted/FAQ: Frequently asked questions... obviously
- /GettingStarted/Help: Don't struggle too long. Our community is happy to help. And they take upvotes and tips, too.
- /GettingStarted/SuggestionBox: We welcome your suggestions. We want to grow with you. With deference to Tom Cruise, help us help you.
- OurWorld: Great tool to quickly see how communities are structured.
If we turn your question into an FAQ, we’ll credit you back the karma to post it. It’s the least we can do.
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Congratulations! Thumbs up! Oh wait... that's Facebook.
FYI - using Firefox, this post is overlapping the About Getting Started on the right size. It's not happening on other pages. This is also showing as an entry under Latest Activity and doesn't look right: "Clarisse88 voted for comment "Here you go:nnnnI couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.nn" in politics 1 day 20 hrs ago."
You 'da man! As always, thanks for finding and reporting bugs. The overlap was due to a recent Bootstrap upgrade and the latest activity was a clumsy oversight on my part. Both should be fixed now.
That was quick. If only you were so quick with this.
Next on my list :)
I just created my very first website with my own domain using valME.io! I can now display all my paintings and art. The technical support was really fast and it was free! This made it very easy for me even though I don't have any coding experience. I am really happy with the way it looks! Here's a link to it: https://valerofineart.com/ :)
I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out too. :) Very glad you like it. Thanks for being valME's first demonstration of its custom domain capabilities. And the artwork is fabulous!
It really looks terrific. Congratulations!