editorial posted by
in braincrave
If you could trick your brain into perceiving an activity as pleasurable, thus activating dopamine receptors, could you enhance learning capacity? Do virtual simulations of people engaging in sex hav...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
It appears the Lindens are up to mischief again. All of our worn scripted items are going to be weighed and measured. This is not to cause panic, nothing anybody can do about it, just read up and be...
Just be careful when you use this method as, even though it's MUCH easier, the can might be sharper. h/t: Cast Iron Chaos
editorial posted by
in braincrave
When I was much younger, I told my father I believed I would live forever. He asked how that would happen and gently reminded me that we all die sooner or later. I explained that I believed we would...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Less than one month ago, Linden Labs laid off 30% of their employees. Just yesterday, Mark Kingdon stepped down as CEO, with company founder Philip Rosedale (Philip Linden) named interim CEO. (Also,...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Activision Blizzard, the maker of World of Warcraft, is changing its policy to require forum posters to use their real names. They claim it is to cut down on nasty behavior in the forums and to creat...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
I haven't been in Second Life that long (about 8 months). During that time, I've had multiple people comment to me that the way an avatar looks is important (e.g., animation overrides (AO), skin, clo...
Odd. How else can you possibly describe romantic relationships that completely exist virtually in an online fantasy world?
SecondLife (SL) is a virtual environment where people socialize a...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
BrainCrave member Half Short runs her lovely Insperion Gardens SIM with passion. Recently, she sent out the below note looking for ideas to add value to people's lives which will financially support...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Braincrave.com has been highlighted as one of the top 10 Cool Things to Do in Second Life for intellectual discussions!
Of course, we're very honored and want to thank all of you who help us make...
Additionally, the spreadsheet of the compiled results (organized by state) is here.
editorial posted by
in braincrave
So I'm at this place listening to 80s music and I read a profile that has this quote: "to wish you were someone else is to waste the beautiful person that you are." A contradiction in SL?
editorial posted by
in themoreiknowme
In the London Olympics of 2012, I started to watch fencing. I liked watching it, so my mom signed me up for a class at RedStar. Ever since then, fencing has been a major part of my life. ...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
When I first joined Second Life (SL), I was like most noobies and started searching different places using the search tool within the browser. I stated finding things that were more than dance clubs...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Recently, I found myself talking to several friends about why they were in Second Life (SL) and whether or not they also get romantically involved with others in-world. The single largest factor I fo...
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