Did you know police can just take your stuff if they suspect it's involved in a crime? They can! It’s a shady process called “civil asset forfeiture,” and it would make for a wei...
Do you recall this memorable scene in the movie A Few Good Men? It appears Dick Cheney is now playing Jack Nicholson's character Colonel Jessep. The BBC's headline is "President George W...
What you are about to read is not a philosophical argument. It’s a personal testimony. The aim of telling this story is neither to make a political statement, nor to score points for a particular i...
Exclusive: Secret interrogation facility in Chicago reveals creeping aspects of war on terror in US city as accounts describe shackling and brutality without basic rights.
The Chicago police de...
And just when you think the legal system couldn't be more stupid... A darkly absurd tale that could only happen in America.
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