If you've been considering starting a blog, now's a great time to do it! Additionally, if you take advantage of valME's custom domain support, we'll do all the technical setup for you for free!
Interesting perspective that blogging provides better (i.e., higher quality) content while social media brings more voices into the online conversation:
Blogs implement a capitalist attention m...
Title says it all. A sample of my writing: https://valme.io/all/user/c_prompt/only/editorials. Just post what you've written into your own /journal community (for example, this is my journal commu...
editorial posted by
in GettingStarted
I'm very excited to announce valME just rolled out some major enhancements. If you run a blog or forum elsewhere and pay $60 annually, check out what we can now offer:
Custom domains, including...
editorial posted by
in GettingStarted
You're going to absolutely LOVE this!
In these terrible days of COVID-19, so many are doing their best to stay connected through video. We all know of businesses who are no longer able to operate...
★ What is this site about?
It's about learning a new habit: Writing. Every. Day.
I've long been inspired by an idea I first learned about in The Artist's Way called morning pages. Morning ...
if you’re not sharing your ideas, code, solutions to problems, and the like via a blog or other social content tools then you’re doing yourself a disservice.
When I look back at how I...
I can't tell you the number of times I've spoken with people who have such amazing ideas... that they keep to themselves. I try to encourage them to write a blog. "I'm not a go...
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c_prompt posted "Someone That I Used to Know" in parenting
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c_prompt posted "Ancestral Mathematics" in Note to Self
Mythusmage started community Mythusmage
c_prompt posted "How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented" in todayilearned
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c_prompt commented on "Map maker, map maker, make me a map... make me a perfect map" in politics
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