Self-proclaimed libertarian micro-state whose founder admires Nigel Farage welcomes its first citizens on Friday, with the first 100 arrivals to be granted honorary citizenship
List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display Tracking Dots
(Added 2015) Some of the documents that we previously received through FOIA suggested that all major manufacturers of color las...
Al-Qeq, works for Saudi Arabia’s Almajd TV network and was arrested at his home in Ramallah on November 21st. In its statement, issued more than 60 days after he entered into his hunger strike,...
Do you recall this memorable scene in the movie A Few Good Men? It appears Dick Cheney is now playing Jack Nicholson's character Colonel Jessep. The BBC's headline is "President George W...
While the BitTorrent ecosystem is filled with uncertainty and doubt, researchers at Delft University of Technology have released the first version of their anonymous and decentralized BitTorrent ne...
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