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tightened laces
shoes perfectly fitting the form of his feet
hood up
protection from the harsh weather that awaits
presses play
the song that's been on repeat for days
first step
moving at a fast pace away from "home"
long strides
carry him and his troubles down the street
green and white
grass and snow fighting for superiority over the ground
deep breath
filling his lungs with frosty air
quick exhale
takes shape as a steaming cloud ahead
passes through
the cloud, the neighborhood, life
pitter patter
the sound and feel of his feet against the pavement
each step
another yard further from what he left behind
eyes straight
set on a point in the distance far ahead
a goal
that will be reached weary or strong
push on
keep the pace and continue until the end
in and out
each breath synchronized with each step
burning chest
one more obstacle to overcome on the way
she's gone
another past love to remember
two weeks too late to make a difference
passed up
and now it's his turn to run
faster now
like speed and distance can solve it all
left, right
a chant in his head to keep him from thinking of her
but why?
the start of the same topic again
last stretch
his body hesitates but his feet continue
full circle
back to her, back to "home"
miles ran
but still no closer to finding the answer

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