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We recognize there are companies who use blogs for marketing, individuals who run a side gig with a website, etc. Frankly Scarlet, we don’t care if you’re marketing a product, service, or idea. As long as it’s not illegal or fraudulent, market away using our tools. (No, that doesn't mean we agree everything deemed illegal should be so.)
Let’s get one thing straight: one of our goals is to provide (very) low-cost earning opportunities for less well-known content providers/bloggers. When you’re a company posting here, your goal is not to provide an earning opportunity for your staff per se – your primary goal is marketing to make profit for your shareholders. (Well, for argument’s sake, let’s assume that’s your goal.)
We have nothing against a company wanting to make a profit for its shareholders – after all, we’re shareholders ourselves. But companies that perform marketing here want special capabilities. So, to keep our costs low for the content providers/bloggers, we charge a monthly fee for those special capabilities that are primarily directed at marketing.
What are some of the amazing marketing capabilities you’ll receive with a sponsor account?
Video conferencing/meetings: Our latest fabulous addition! During the Covid-19 lockdown, we saw many who needed video conferencing added to their websites. Your wish is our command. Thanks to the amazing video conferencing software built by the Jitsi team, your own video meetings can now be added to any of your posts in a community with a sponsor account (and, thus, completely integrated into your custom domain website/blog).
- Message multiple users at once from modmail: Have a special event coming up that you want a targeted group of users to learn about? Want to offer a special promotion code to a group of select accounts? Let them all know at once with one message.
- Manually manipulate your community’s front page: Position a post advertisement at the top of your front page so that it receives constant visibility. Pin a few important posts onto your front page, and change their position within the queue. Decrease the score or remove a post from your front page that is inconsistent with your goals (without deleting it or moving it to the graveyard).
- Tip using earned karma: To reduce the risk of fraud, we limit the amount a user can tip another user to the amount of karma purchased. However, for companies, we understand your earned karma will likely be reinvested back into your community and marketing efforts. Therefore, we allow sponsor accounts to tip users with earned karma (which is useful for encouraging authors to write about your company).
- Your own iframe: We give you access to an inline frame on your community pages that allows you to include HTML, style sheets (.css), and even Javascript. (Obviously, same-origin policy is disabled for security reasons.) Run a community that gets a ton of page views? Use it to add advertising (e.g., Google Adsense, Microsoft Bing). Run a chess community? Why not embed a Javascript chess board to allow your community to play, or a chess tactics trainer like the one in /chess? Promoting a new health product? Embed a Javascript BMI calculator like on c/health. Music is your passion? How about a top 50 widget like you see in /music?
- Earn a percentage for submitted posts and comments: This is a key tool in our mainstream media busting arsenal. We realize there are many who can do a much better job gathering, organizing, distributing, marketing, and administering valuable content. In addition to the good feeling you’ll receive in making the world a better place, why shouldn’t you get a piece of that action in return for your effort? We think you should. With this feature, you set the price of post and comment submissions and 75% above the base price is divided among all sponsor accounts in your community. For example, if the base price of a post is 2 karma and you, instead, charge 10, you will earn 6 karma for each post (i.e., your price 10 less the base price 2 times 75% divided by 1 sponsor account). If there are two sponsor accounts in your community, each of you will earn 3 karma. (Note: Your percentage is rounded as we don’t support fractions of karma.)
- Community form submission fields: Have an email marketing newsletter for which you want to collect email addresses and build an email subscription list? Are you about to launch a beta and looking to create a waiting list of email addresses and zip codes? Community form fields allow you to capture an email address and an extra field from visitors. You can specify if you want to collect this information only from logged in users, logged out visitors, or both. We'll automatically send you a message with the captured information when someone submits a community form.
- Custom domain chat: If you're using a custom domain name, you can enable your own free live chat with tawk.to. Visitors to your site can ask questions via live chat. You and your team can respond immediately. When you're away, a popup email form is also available.
- Registration popup: The first time a non-logged-in visitor views a post on your website, a voting popup encouraging your visitor to support the post author will display after a few minutes. If you're using a custom domain name, you can turn this popup feature off.
- An annual opportunity to be a DFAD (default for a day): We recognize that default communities are great opportunities to increase your readership and visibility. For sponsor accounts of at least one year, your community will enjoy the inflow of new members. And we’ll even let you pick the day.
Pretty sweet, yes? We’ll continue to develop new and exciting functionality for sponsored accounts. If you're an owner or moderator of a community and want to purchase a sponsor account, simply click on the Moderate dropdown and select the community with /mod/sponsor.
About FAQ
We’re not entirely sure it’s appropriate to call this the Frequently Asked Questions area as, candidly, we don’t keep track of how often these questions get asked. Consider this community as a place where we post answers to what we anticipate your questions will be. But, if our crystal ball is malfunctioning, feel free to post your question in /GettingStarted/Help. If we turn your question into an FAQ, we’ll credit you back the karma to post it. It’s the least we can do. We also welcome suggestions at /GettingStarted/SuggestionBox.
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