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You post stuff. People upvote it. You make money. It's very simple. It's reddit, but with cats that make you money. We call it monetary applause. Where did we get the idea? Here.
How many social networks and blogs do you post to daily? reddit? G+? Facebook? Twitter? Forums? We're betting you post quite a bit. Articles. Videos. Comments. Memes. Songs. Playlists. Images. Artwork. News. Links. And do you earn any money from it? Exactly.
At valME, you do. valME is about helping you earn money doing the same activities you already do for fun. It's about upvotes that are worth money. It's karma, but improved. Super karma.
Yes, there are transaction costs. But they are so minuscule you won't even notice. If you post an article (2 cents) and you get two upvotes, you just broke even. It's all profit after that. If you post a comment (1 cent) and you get only one upvote, ditto. Now extrapolate: post a great video of your band and get 1,002 upvotes? You just made $10. Post a great piece of art you just painted and get 1,502 upvotes? You just made $15. You get the idea. And if people really like your content, they can even tip you more. Bonus.
Run a forum? How much money do you make from advertising? Move your forum here. We have much of the same functionality (and then some) as your forum software. And we'll give you a cut of the transaction costs. (We're still working out the final numbers but, the more active your users, the more you'll make. We know you'll be happy.)
What else can you do here besides make money from great content? Customize your community with some of our unique moderation features (some that even reddit doesn't have) like:
- Create your own karma types, choosing which ones to display, and customizing the icons for up and down voting
- Display your own quotes at the top of your community pages
- Customize your .css and community images
- Run honor contests to reward your community for award-winning posts and comments (or even moderators for keeping your community spam-free)
- View community analytics
- Restrict your community to allow only links to specific domains
- Assign permissions to users for posting and viewing content
- Offer flair to your community members, or let them choose their own
- Join communities together or split them apart
- Customize the algorithm that determines which content makes it to your front page
- Run projects that encourage users to action
One of the primary purposes at valME is to allow you to reward others directly for bringing you value. Or, said another way, we want to help you profit when you bring value to others. Of course, you can read what another user posts, gain value from it, and not give him or her anything in return. But, if the urge strikes you, we give you the opportunity to upvote that user's content. By upvoting, you transfer one karma to the author. And, if the urge presents itself, you can even tip that user additional karma for the value you received.
Granted, you're only receiving a penny when someone upvotes your content. But those pennies can add up (and, potentially, bring you more than you were earning from click-through advertising on your blog). Think of all the posts you've seen on other social networking sites, and the thousands of upvotes some have received. If upvotes were pennies, those users would directly get the benefits of their efforts. What happens instead? They get to feel good, while the social networking sites get all the money from the advertisers. Wouldn't it be better if the users, themselves, got that money? After all, it was their content that brought you value.
Imagine you're a programmer. For us coding geeks, sites like Stack Overflow are a lifeline to getting work done. In fact, we're reasonably convinced that when Stack Overflow goes down, all programming around the world just stops. (Well, at least that's the excuse we use.) Yet, when we read an answer from someone who has fixed that (Javascript) problem we've spent hours debugging, we want to kiss that person's feet with the appropriate Wayne's World salute. It's times like those when a thank you and a (worthless) upvote just don't seem enough. That person saved us from hours of wasted effort and aggravation. That geek deserves more.
Think of it this way: all sorts of people work round-the-clock at charities like the American Cancer Society to find a cure and provide support to those who are sick (and their families). Many give them money; yet you can't buy anything from the ACS. Then why do people give them money? Quite obviously, because donors value what the ACS is doing. Donors want to support those activities and motivate others to do so. valME provides those same opportunities - to support the activities of those you value.
Earnings are paid out in bitcoins, but you can easily convert them to an alternate currency. It costs you nothing to register and try it. Free community. Free karma. Earn money for doing exactly what you already do. What are you waiting for?
About FAQ
We’re not entirely sure it’s appropriate to call this the Frequently Asked Questions area as, candidly, we don’t keep track of how often these questions get asked. Consider this community as a place where we post answers to what we anticipate your questions will be. But, if our crystal ball is malfunctioning, feel free to post your question in /GettingStarted/Help. If we turn your question into an FAQ, we’ll credit you back the karma to post it. It’s the least we can do. We also welcome suggestions at /GettingStarted/SuggestionBox.
Someone's Reading
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. in Note to Self
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Recently, I posted an open letter to Steve Huffman, reddit's new CEO, with an offer to exchange values. The tl/dr for why you should consider valME.io:
Benefits to users/content creators
Benefits to mods
This is a good summary and a much quicker read than the open letter.
You also could have mentioned: