editorial posted by
in braincrave
As the adage goes: How do you know a politician is lying? His lips are moving. On Obama's White House website, he states: "My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of opennes...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Obama has broken many promises. That's par for the course when you're a politician. People know (and sadly accept) that politicians aren't going to do everything they promise.
But then there are m...
The US Senate Torture Report revealed horrifying details of America's interrogation program. Helen Mirren will fill you in.
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Meanwhile, as Bradley Manning (aka "unappreciated hero #1") languishes in jail and is tortured by Obama's administration... There's an adage that goes "give to a good man all the powers he requests t...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Get out your barf bags for this one. FTA: "This points to a massive conspiracy to deprive innocent people of their rights by the U.S. on a scale not seen since the U.S. interned its own Japanese-Amer...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
In the movie Braveheart, William Wallace says, "Every man dies, not every man really lives." For thousands of years, people have thought about the values to live for. Aristotle suggest we should live...
This happened in January of this year. It’s so sad that someone who claims to have fought for the right to free speech now fights to suppress it. This soldier is much more a traitor than a &ldqu...
Exclusive: Secret interrogation facility in Chicago reveals creeping aspects of war on terror in US city as accounts describe shackling and brutality without basic rights.
The Chicago police de...
The stories are heart-wrenching. In addition to his blog, this is from an NPR story that discusses how Chris and his wife spent $8 million to buy and re-fit a 136-foot ship to save hundreds of th...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Obama's die-hard base is continuing to turn on him and abandon him... for the right reasons. (And Obama's administration is lashing out angrily at liberals, claiming that they should be "drug tested"...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
A Guantanamo Bay sergeant is blowing the whistle on US government torture and murder and the US Department of Justice is blatantly covering it up. This amazing Harper's article is a chilling account...
Al-Qeq, works for Saudi Arabia’s Almajd TV network and was arrested at his home in Ramallah on November 21st. In its statement, issued more than 60 days after he entered into his hunger strike,...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
The US government consists of a bunch of hypocrites. I know, tell you something you don't know, right?
Recently, Hillary Clinton and her lackeys at the US State Department released the Country Re...
Al-Alwi describes the humiliating and brutal treatment he suffers at Guantanamo. Alwi is a Yemeni national who has been in US custody since 2002. He was one of the very first prisoners moved to Guanta...
Do you recall this memorable scene in the movie A Few Good Men? It appears Dick Cheney is now playing Jack Nicholson's character Colonel Jessep. The BBC's headline is "President George W...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
The so-called rule of law in the US is a big joke. You really need more proof? Dick Cheney, former vice president to George Bush, went on TV on Feb 14 to assert he is "a big supporter of waterboardin...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
If this doesn't make you sick, you're not human. FTA: Internal CIA documents reveal a meticulous protocol that was far more brutal than Dick Cheney's "dunk in the water"
Waterboarding for dummies:...
How did a person who should be in the criminal dock both in the US and in the International Criminal Court for running a torture prison get appointed the Director of the US Central Intelligence Agenc...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
In his famous statement "First they came," Pastor Martin Niemöller once blasted the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power as they purged group after group:
editorial posted by
in braincrave
To claim that the US supports freedom (i.e., the absence of physical coercion) is nonsensical. Everything the US government does is anti-freedom. Take the situation in Egypt, for example. American ad...
editorial posted by
in braincrave
Milton Friedman, the originator of the withholding tax, once said "we're all Keynesians now" (referring to the disastrous economic policies promoted by John Maynard Keynes). More recently, Newsweek (...
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