Arosophos permalink
c_prompt, this is my definition of religion:
Although theism is not essential to religion, I do identify as a theist, but for rather untraditional (and certainly not supernatural) reasons. Did you catch this link?
No need to apologize for not understanding. I'm sharing some unusual ideas, and you've no prior reason to suppose I'm not just insane or stupid or dishonest or whatever. We can't reasonably go about life giving serious consideration to every unusual idea we encounter -- especially in the age of the Internet.
Arosophos permalink
C_prompt, we're still not quite communicating. Maybe these will help a little more.
Arosophos permalink
c_prompt, you and I see religion quite differently. These might explain:
Arosophos permalink
Thanks, c_prompt. I share your interest in promoting a philosophical approach to the risks and opportunities suggested by Singularitarianism and Transhumanism. My inclination is toward postsecular religion as the most likely mechanism for achieving a revolution along those lines, as religion has long demonstrated itself to be the most powerful way to shape popular philosophy. Some believe religion is dying. I think they see presecular religion dying, while religion more broadly considered continues to evolve along with us. Maybe I'm wrong, but if I am then I'm not sure that I have any better suggestions. Along these lines, and in relation to Ray Kurzweil, you might find this interesting: http://lincoln.metacannon.net/2014/09/ray-kurzweil-is-evidence-for.html
You mention that you're not a scientist or engineer. Are you a writer? An academic? How do you currently pay the bills, and how might you integrate the necessity of paying the bills into your aspiration to promote a philosophical revolution?
Arosophos permalink
Interesting thoughts, c_prompt. I'd enjoy knowing more about your thoughts on how to pursue a philosophical revolution -- lincoln@metacannon.net.
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