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in braincrave
Today I learned that you can run a diesel engine car on waste vegetable oil (e.g., oil that's been used to cook). It is less harmful to the environment, less toxic to people and animals, and runs abo...
I often get asked to help people edit their resumes and to find jobs. One productive and efficient way to look for jobs is via RSS feeds. Not all websites have RSS feeds but, for those that do, you...
community owned by 3rd_coast_sailing
Our mission is to train sailors who have the skills, knowledge and confidence to safely skipper a boat in any situation. And since many of our students go on to become boat owners, this goes well beyo...
Ten years ago, scientists discovered that some people are naturally missing working copies of a gene known as PCSK9. The consequences of the mutation were extraordinary. These people, including a T...
Per two statutes, 14 U.S.C. § 89(a)2 and 19 U.S.C. §1581(a), the US Coast Guard has virtually unlimited authority to stop, board, and search vessels without any suspicion of wrongdoing. No...
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