peace_on_earth permalink
Excellent idea. I just added aww, cute, smiles, and tears as karma types.
peace_on_earth permalink
This was so cool that I had to look up how to do it. But be careful. If someone loses an eye, I take no responsibility.
Self-Carving Exploding Pumpkin - Self-Carving Exploding Jack-o-Lantern Demonstration
peace_on_earth permalink
I feel physically ill after reading this. I also feel helpless to help.
peace_on_earth permalink
Relevant: The Death of the Bachelor's Degree
peace_on_earth permalink
I'm not even going to touch this.
peace_on_earth permalink
Fascinating, and very, very scary.
peace_on_earth permalink
$15 - $20 for a poster? Pretty expensive if you ask me. Cool idea though.
peace_on_earth permalink
Thank you for posting this. It is so disheartening to see how the US government continues to cause so many problems throughout the world. I almost want to say "if only they'd mind their own damn business." But there doesn't seem to be agreement about what their business should be. Reminds me of this quote:
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years, and well, we're not using it anymore.
peace_on_earth permalink
Nervous karma type removed.
peace_on_earth permalink
Much better karma choices. Snaps? (grin)
peace_on_earth permalink
One of the best sing-along songs EVER. You are missed Freddie.
peace_on_earth permalink
I'm sweating just looking at this schedule.
peace_on_earth permalink
A flying shoe for an upvote button? Uh huh...
peace_on_earth permalink
Love the new upvote/downvote buttons. 1 just for those.
We searched long and hard (alright, we really just did a plain ol' SQL query on the database) but didn't find anything to put on this page. So please just go click somewhere else.