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This is why people can't have nice things.
This Samsung article is a year old. Here's something more recent: US intelligence chief: we might use the internet of things to spy on you.
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LPT: If you are going to get two or more movies from Redbox, proceed to checkout with only one. They usually ask if you would like to add a movie for 50 cents. (h/t reddit)
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(sniff sniff - what's that smell?)
The bulk of your comment is superfluous and overly complicated. Sounds like you're trying to make an intellectual argument for God. If you can't explain it simply, you probably don't understand what you're talking about. This smells like spam.
digdug permalink
How hopeless this all seems. Even Julian Assange who garners worldwide publicity and gets a ruling from the UN that he is being arbitrarily detained and deprived of liberty can't get any justice. This legal farce is what pure evil looks like. Human rights are a joke. There isn't any justice left in the world. Meanwhile all focus will be on the Super Bowl...
digdug permalink
I read this over at antiwar.com. Insightful and inspiring. Leaves you with a feeling of courage no matter what your race, religion, or country of citizenship.
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Brilliant! You just know you'll be sitting in a meeting one day and start laughing thinking about this.
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This is the Internet. The company probably won't be around in 9 years.
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Indiana... where there are safe sex signs on the road depicting animals that kick.
digdug permalink
Thank you for the TL/DR.
digdug permalink
Someone has their panties all in a bunch
So women really wear these things? Other than TV, I've never seen anyone wearing the panties... I mean yoga shorts... you describe. And believe me, I've looked
digdug permalink
And this is why /u/c_prompt can't get a date - because he takes a discussion about sex, hotpants, and women's anatomy and turns all deep and philosophical. Lighten up man!
2,000 karma offer to the first person who takes /u/c_prompt out on a date and gets him to lighten up... or to post a selfie of his abs.
digdug permalink
Fred Reed is a talented comedic writer. He reminds me a lot of Dave Barry. He's at his best when skewering intellectuals with intellectualism. Now that's art.
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All well and good; however, it's probable that radiation leaked from Fukushima is a more critical issue. With so much ocean cleanup required and the ocean being as large as, well, an ocean, it's overwhelming to determine the best place for investment. Hats off to this guy though - very inspiring story.
digdug permalink
/u/c_prompt, valME needs stickers - but first it needs a new logo
digdug permalink
This is a good summary and a much quicker read than the open letter.
You also could have mentioned:
- you have tags!
- you do activity feeds and RSS better because you show all activity and content
- you can get email notifications
- you can do pop-up pictures
digdug permalink
That's incredible! This takes dog training to a whole new level. Purina needs to sell whatever she is feeding that baby.
digdug permalink
Ad hominem much? It just cost me 2 cents to downvote and remove the 1 cent c_prompt gave you and another 2 cents to reflect my disagreement. Worth it.
digdug permalink
That was incredible! Mom's screams went right through me! How dad is so calm defies imagination. And he gets it all on video too? Bravo dad!
digdug permalink
A 10,000 karma tip? Is that a bug or, if I did the math correctly, did someone just tip $100?
digdug permalink
To say the natives are getting restless is to put it mildly.
It's not just alienation - there are other consequences of disenfranchised users. Acknowledging people and communities have differences is critical for peace in the world. We don't expect it from children (maybe we should) but adults are supposed to understand that respecting someone acts differently doesn't equate to supporting those differences. Preventing differences from being noticed gets you a hive mind. Sameness. Conformity. Centralization of power. Rulers. Missed opportunities. A place where ingenuity and ideas die. All attributes easily identifiable to reddit, may it rest in peace.
Earlier I watched this great TEDx talk and this kid's analogy about skiing the same line is apropos (around the 10:00 mark).
It's difficult to believe how the admin team is falling apart and destroying each other. Quite understandable they're upset but to see them openly criticizing and mocking each other (not to mention their poor handling of the incidents leading to this fiasco) are demonstrable of a total lack of problem management skills and deep business experience. It's a complete shitshow. /u/command_line called it over a year ago. My prediction at this point is reddit will disintegrate into a shell of its former self just like Digg, the users will scatter to the winds, and Yishan will throw a big black-tie party with the main event being a food fight. The first piece of cake will obviously be tossed by Ellen.
Your should consult for reddit. You'd make a lot of money, you wouldn't have to give up your baby, and the San Francisco area is lovely this time of year. Pack a tux.
digdug permalink
Kids, they say the damnedest things don't they? If only adults could be this intelligent.
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Counterpoint: when you're depressed, you can't always rely upon yourself. It might be one of the reasons you're depressed. Another may be you don't have any outlets (somethings or someones) to turn to for strength. A person's limited or unsatisfying experiences can also make it difficult to formulate ideas for strength. Life doesn't happen in a vacuum. When you're sad, other people aren't always a bad place to turn (with deference to /u/Clarisse88's cartoon). Figuring out to whom one should turn can be more of a challenge.
Also, not all country music is depressing. Fun fact: Taylor Swift started as a country music singer when she was 14 years old.
in [deleted]
digdug permalink
Now that's what I'm talking about! Thank you!
digdug permalink
Oh, the righteousness of some people to force their agenda and choices on others. How else do they expect people to pay for the $1.3 trillion student loan balance?
Previously, it was common for students to take food and service jobs, but soon, you will hear college students casually sharing their day with their sugar daddy. Welcome to the modern hooker economy.
Bitcoin - for individuals who want to retain the voluntary choice to do what they want with their own bodies. Good for you Corrine. You go girl.
digdug permalink
Or said another way:
Placing things in context is what contemporary students do best. What they do not do is judge... This refusal to judge or take offense can be taken as a positive sign, suggesting tolerance and broadmindedness.
Though quoting from it, it's hard to agree with some of the Commentary Magazine article as the author's claims aren't always logical, such as:
The fine arts and the performing arts have indeed ceased to matter in Western culture, other than in honorific or pecuniary terms, and they no longer shape in meaningful ways our image of ourselves or define our collective values. This collapse in the prestige and consequence of art is the central cultural phenomenon of our day.
For most of human history, works of visual art were the direct expression of the society that made them. The artist was not an autonomous creator; he worked at the behest of his patron, making objects that expressed in visible form that patron’s beliefs and aspirations.
More factually, here are some other examples of art controversies from it:
The last time that artists were part of the national conversation was a generation ago, in 1990. This was the year of the NEA Four, artists whose grants were withdrawn by the National Endowment for the Arts because of the obscene content of their work. Their names were Tim Miller, John Fleck, Holly Hughes, and Karen Finley—the latter especially famous because her most notable work largely involved smearing her own body with chocolate. As it happened, their work was rather less offensive than that of Andres Serrano and Robert Mapplethorpe, who had been the subject of NEA-funded exhibitions the year before. Serrano’s photograph of a crucifix immersed in a jar of his own urine was called “Piss Christ.” Mapplethorpe’s notorious self-portrait featured a bullwhip thrust into his fundamental aperture. Even the New York Times, a stalwart champion of Mapplethorpe, could not honestly describe that photograph, let alone publish it, referring to it with coy primness as a “sadomasochistic self-portrait (nearly naked, with bullwhip).”
From time to time, so-called conceptual artists had looked to find new ways to use the human body artistically. Their agenda was by no means to express humanist values or even beautiful suffering—quite the contrary. In 1961, Piero Manzoni offered for sale 90 tin cans purportedly containing the Merda d’artista (to this day it is uncertain whether or not the cans actually contain his excrement, since to open one would cost on the order of $100,000). Manzoni’s foray into scatology was a prophecy of things to come. Ten years later, Vito Acconci became a minor celebrity with his performance of Seedbed, which involved his hiding under a platform in a gallery and speaking to visitors above while masturbating.
I leave you with a picture of Lipstick, "a harbinger of the return of seriousness to the art scene, a seriousness now tinged with fury, indignation, and, increasingly, politics":
Afterthought: If you vomit on your screen after viewing Lipstick, you can take a picture of it an mail it to MOMA. I guarantee someone will pay millions for it.
digdug permalink
I've had my disagreements with Mr. North in the past, and his list isn't an exception. I agree with:
- This is the #1 rule of success in every area of life: exceptional service.
- Honesty really is the best policy.
- Life is a trade-off between time and money. Watch for any unexpected change in the ratio.
- Never post anything on Facebook or Twitter that you would not say face-to-face.
- Be fair to everyone on your way up.
- When you start a project, finish it.
- Start thinking about your lifetime calling.
- Put your three major lifetime goals in writing. Create plans to achieve them.
- All written plans should be specific and have deadlines. Review these plans on a schedule.
- Work hard for half a day for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter which half.
- Budget your time to be in control of your life. Time is the only irreplaceable resource.
- Set up a budget for money. Then stick with it. Mint is free.
- Learn how to speak in public. This is a universally applicable skill.
- Start a blog on a serious subject. Post at least twice a week.
- Never go into debt for college. This includes your parents.
- Better yet, start a business while you're in high school.
- Great memories appreciate; stuff depreciates. Keep a digital scrapbook of great memories.
- Do not become economically dependent on any government promise.
- Never break these three rules of lifetime success:
- Do what you say you will do.
- Do it on time or a little early.
- Do it for the price you agree to, and then add a free bonus.
digdug permalink
It gives me the willies hearing people joke about torture, and even more so realizing that comedy is the only way most people can digest a discussion about how terribly wrong it is. There are just some things one shouldn't joke about and you can bet your life the people who were tortured weren't smiling. It's exasperating to hear him at 13:09:
So look, there is no proof that torture does any good but there is real proof that it does serious harm to America's image overseas. References to American torture show up everywhere, from terrorist recruiting tools to statements from North Korea who've called our techniques "brutal medieval."
How it looks to others should be a decisive factor when deciding the use of torture? What a disgusting thought. You shouldn't even ever get that far in your analysis. He redeems himself later:
Here's the thing: if enhanced interrogation were not torture, which it is, and even if torture did work, which it doesn't, America should not be a country that tortures people because it is brutal, it is medieval, and it is beneath us. And when the rest of the world thinks about America, they should not think of this because that's not what this country is about.
Try putting yourself in the victims' prison cells and see if you can still laugh or find any of this funny. Still, I'm pleased the viewpoint that torture is immoral, however it is communicated, is becoming more acceptable.
digdug permalink
It really looks terrific. Congratulations!
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An immediate reaction to these might be "how ironic!" but only from someone who thinks People magazine, the Kardashians, or FIFA reflects the important news of the day.
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Not being an electrical engineer, it's difficult to evaluate the accuracy of the claim. The comments in this article suggest the author was hoodwinked. If this works, it's very cool technology. Most of the commenters seem to think otherwise.
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Then there's the efficiency argument: redirecting politicians to porn saves them a click.
digdug permalink
Amazing and very scary at the same time. Being able to repress memories does have its purpose
digdug permalink
Blind and unsubstantiated assertions aside, interesting ideas to think about.
digdug permalink
HA! That's a gentlemanly way of dealing with a screw-up! Anytime you need more bad HTML/css, I am at your service. It's good to feel useful.
digdug permalink
Worked! Thank you! That is cool!
digdug permalink
I think I just demonstrated what happens when you don't know what you're doing. There are now gray shadows on each side of the page. Sorry.
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With my incipient css skills, this is my attempt to add to the page load time:
We searched long and hard (alright, we really just did a plain ol' SQL query on the database) but didn't find anything to put on this page. So please just go click somewhere else.