alice permalink
This is SO COOL!!!!!!
alice permalink
That was beautiful! Your daughter is lucky to have you as her dad.
alice permalink
The video was SO cute! I'm glad it didn't show the dolphins having sex in the mirror. That would have been awkward.
alice permalink
This made me so sad. The laws are wrong!
alice permalink
I just saw this video and it's amazing! And people knew about these medical benefits 65 years ago! This little girl went from 400 seizures a week to 0-1/week! And a little boy went from 200 seizures a day to none! I cried when I watched it. The organization is called the Realm of Caring Foundation and the video is called The surprising story of medical marijuana and pediatric epilepsy: Josh Stanley at TEDxBoulder:
alice permalink
This is a food group! You need a yum karma!
alice permalink
Since you burned your science fair project, you and this teacher would have gotten along really well
alice permalink
The link doesn't work. It went to a page with weird Wordpress database errors.
alice permalink
SO interesting! TIL that Google, who makes money from advertising, thought advertising lowers the quality of search results
alice permalink
We searched long and hard (alright, we really just did a plain ol' SQL query on the database) but didn't find anything to put on this page. So please just go click somewhere else.