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Update on this poem- it was written about the job I had and the boss who was determined to win the worst boss award. I walked out of this job after receiving two other job offers. I am much MUCH happier now.

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Never would I have read this thinking it was about a boss. Wonderful to hear you're happier.

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I tune you out and hear a country song playing across my conscious.

Why does country music have such a bad reputation when it comes to depressing songs? I refuse to blame it on Whitney Houston.

Whenever I'm drained or feel feeble, I read two books that replenish my soul. It works every time. My first unsolicited suggestion is to find something that replenishes your soul so that, when you recognize you need strength, you know where to go and what to do. My second unsolicited suggestion?

Make sure that "something" isn't another person because the only person you can ever count on is yourself.

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Counterpoint: when you're depressed, you can't always rely upon yourself. It might be one of the reasons you're depressed. Another may be you don't have any outlets (somethings or someones) to turn to for strength. A person's limited or unsatisfying experiences can also make it difficult to formulate ideas for strength. Life doesn't happen in a vacuum. When you're sad, other people aren't always a bad place to turn (with deference to /u/Clarisse88's cartoon). Figuring out to whom one should turn can be more of a challenge.

Also, not all country music is depressing. Fun fact: Taylor Swift started as a country music singer when she was 14 years old.

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So this is my community, and it's both happy and sad at the same time. It's intended to move you. Poetry, musings, photos, art.... whatever elicits a feeling too strong to ignore. Welcome.

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