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The sadness and suffering that comes through in this poem is intense. So many events in life can completely drain every bit of energy and happiness out of you. It's so easy to forget anything good or positive. When you feel so diminished and depressed, it seems impossible to feel hope. Everything hurts. You just want the pain to stop. You just want to rest and be at peace. I used to think that depression would leave you feeling numb, but it doesn't seem to work like that. At least for me, it's almost as if every emotion becomes intensified. Fear becomes terror. Weakness becomes lethargy. Concern becomes anxiety. Even fleeting moments of happiness become jubilance.

Though I understand there isn't one "correct" way to discuss suicide, your advice seems sound. A few suggestions for safe, supportive spaces for anyone struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts:



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So this is my community, and it's both happy and sad at the same time. It's intended to move you. Poetry, musings, photos, art.... whatever elicits a feeling too strong to ignore. Welcome.

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